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1861 - Fri Feb 1st

with wh. & the angles I took, I determined the height of the highest mountain as I think of Roger's Island [[strikethrough]] ne [[/strikethrough]] by the entrance to Budington Bay.

[[Image - sketch of angles and measurements determining height of mountain]].  
As D.A.C. 3[[degree symbol]] -45[[feet symbol]] sine 8.75353 } As radius by 10,00000
IstiDC(975) Log 2.99034 } [[?]] A.C.2624 " [[ditto for: Log]] 3,41901      
So is ACD 8[[degree symbol]] -45[[feet symbol]]  Sine 9.18220 So is 12[[degree symbol]] ACB Sine 
    12.17254             12.73689
    --------             --------
     875353              10.00000
    --------             ---------
To A.C. (2624 feet) Log.
     3.41901             273689
{To A.B.
{545.6 Log
(Five hundred forty five feet & 6/10 ths high!)

Ebierbing has spent the most of the day in refitting his seal lines.  Neither he or Jack has been out sealing to-day.  They intend going to-morrow.  Kun-ni-a, "wife No 2 of Ugarny", has been building a small Igloo to-day between ours & the one occupied by Ugarny & his numerous family.  What's to [[?pay]] or the object of this I have yet to learn. [[underlined]] I have conjectures[[/underlined]]! - that's all!  More of this when I find out.  I study Innuits - their customs etc etc.

It [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] is one week this morning since the timely return of Ebierbing with the rich blessings he had upon his Kum-mi-ti!  We celebrate the event by a small "splicing of the main brace" to-night!  I must not omit to record the splendid supper we had to-night: "Cod fish & potatoes!"

Yes codfish & potatoes! in an Igloo!  How happily my palate danced as each iron spoonful (not exactly [[underlined]] 'Spoon victuals' [[/underlined]], nevertheless, we ate this dish with spoons) went down below!  It seemed I never enjoyed eating half so well as in E. & T.'s Igloo!  Tuk-oo-li-too has fine taste - likes every thing just so, & having pleased herself she certainly pleases others. 

The Cod fish (fresh dried) was what Capt. B. brought of Gov. Elbery, Holsteinborg, Greenland, on our visit there last Fall.  The potatoes were dried in slices & brought thus in Sealed Zinc cases from the States, put up I believe by the French.  This dish she (T.) prepared by 1st soaking the fish & potatoes in cold water near a day - at night boiled them over the Ik-Ku-mer (Fire lamp) till they could be easily "Mashed".  The thin slices of potatoes when thus soaked looked fresh potatoe like.  T. put spoon fulls Ook-Sook (Seal oil) in the mess wh. answered quite as well, in taste,

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1861 Fri Feb 1st

as best of lard or butter!  The eating of this civilization compound was fine - fine indeed!  Long may I remember Greenland Cod & French Potatoes as prepared for eating by the noble Esquimaux, Tuk-oo-li-too!

24th Night in an Igloo!
Saturday, Feb 2d 1861

This has been a [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] but cold day.  At Meridian, I took the Altitude of the Sun, though under disadvantages of bad horizon & low Sun.  This cold weather is hard on Sextants.  Indeed it is risking much to expose what I have to such cold as now prevails.  The breath - perspiration of the eyes, cover them with frost.  The contraction of the frames - of this & that part - is unequal, therefore making the observations unreliable.

The following is the working results:

Observed Alt. [[symbol: Sun]] 10 [[degree symbol]] - 00'-00"
Par & Semi. Diam 15 - 24
                   10 - 15 - 24
Refrac.                  5 - 15
                   10 - 10 - 09
Sub from           90 - 00 - 00
                   79 - 49 - 51
Dec [[symbol: Sun]] S   16 - 41 - 27
Igloos near S.W. } = 63[[degree symbol]] - 08'-24" N. Lat.
part of Roger's Island }
[[note]] No Dip Sub'n.  This should  be done - say 5 feet ^[[(-2'-12") height sqe. Nyuck, N.Y. Aug. 12/63 [[/note]]

Ebierbing & Jack have gone out Sealing.  The started at 12 (Noon)  E.'s Seal hole is W. about 1/2 way across Budington Bay.  Jack's is S.W. & do. - both are in sight by day light
The Seal-hole over wh E. has his position is one 

Transcription Notes:
Inclusion of sketch and calculations directly would be beneficial here. Reviewed