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Feb 2nd. 
formed by Ugarny & over wh. the latter has stayed stood one day & one night.
Tuk-oo-li-too informs me that a Seal has sometimes several holes as many as six (6).
E. & Jack at 1X the present hour, eve, are still out. They will probably remain the night. What will be their success the morrow will determine.
This day I [[underlined]] burnt [[/underlined]] my fingers! At least the effects of touching my ^[[cold]] Pocket Sextant (mostly of brass) are the same as if I had come in contact with [[underlined]] hot [[/underlined]] Iron. [[underlined]] The ends of my finger nails are like burnt bone - on horn! [[/underlined]] - the [[strikethrough]] fi [[/strikethrough]] tips of fingers & thumbs (the flesh part I mean) are suffering the same in appearance & feeling as though [[underlined]] burnt. [[/underlined]] Though I had read of excessive cold producing such results, I never believed it till ^[[I]] experienced it as above.
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