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[[image: cross]] Feb 3d 1861

Tuk-too - each mouth watering for that kind of living for a while.
Tuk-oo-li-too calls to me from out-side of the Igloo 'Ki-ete!  I will go & take another look.
I have again been out for a few moments.

I ought to have stated a little before this that Ebierbing took my loaded rifle (from the top of the Igloo where guns and kept viewing them with the glass) & proceeded away South toward the Tuk-too (rein-deer).  It was Half an hour after that Tuk-oo-li-too called to me as recorded above.  Then the wished for game were within 1/4 of a mile of the Igloos making their way slowly in single file Northward.  How I wished to pull the trigger of my favorite on the fine leader walking so majestically before me with her young for so it proved to be.  Ere long, Ebierbing was back stating that as they passed him in the distance he fired on the Mother but owing to the charge of powder being too small, the ball struck a little short of [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] its mark!  The regrets of this were great as they were universal among our villagers.  Not long was it that this enticing sight remained to us.  Tuk-too at last smelling human tracks, darted away with the speed of the wind.  We feel the loss of several rich feasts on venison!

1861 } Monday, Feb 4th
26th Night in an Igloo! 

Last night, about 12, we were aroused by a call from some one who appeared to be weak & in distress.  It came from the passage way just without the immediate entrance to the Igloo.  The response of Ebierbing was for the person, whoever he might be, to remove the snow block or slab, answering for the door & come in.  This was soon obeyed, when who should stand before us but 'An-u-car-ping? - the An-ge-ko I had frequently met at the upper village, "Rescue Bay".  He said that he was very [[underlined]] weak, dry [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] hungry! [[/underlined]]

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1861 Monday Feb 4th

that he he & his family consisting of 2 wives had had nothing to eat for near one month!  He was was at once shown a pile of frozen Seal meat in a corner of the Igloo into which he dove like a hungry bear!  He eat enough to kill six white men, if they had been as long without food as this Innuit evidently had!  Water was supplied him of wh. he partook copiously!  I began to be alarmed somewhat on our own account, seeing our precious pile of fresh provision (Seal meat) growing so speedily & [[underlined]] immoderately [[/strikethrough]] less!  We certainly felt willing to feed a hungry brother but then to have a stomach, as huge & voracious as some of the Polar Bears around us, break into our limited supply of what to us is the Staff of Life, was more than everybody could stand. 
Ange Ko was allowed full liberty, however, to fill up!  He done so, after the Innuit custom!  He got full as much as he could lift.  He had to retreat to his haunches on raising himself up, sitting flat on the Igloo bottom till [[underlined]] digestion [[/underlined]] had found a place where to begin on the frightful monstrous job before it!

Ange Ko said that one of his nulianas [[space]] had arrived with him - that she had gone into one of the other Igloos of our village.  The other nuliana (wife) had proceeded with him as far as she possibly could when he was obliged to leave her till he found means of relief.  He built an