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1861 [[symbol: cross]] [[Sunday]] Feb 24

well filled with the various articles of civilization provision which Capt. B. had kindly granted me for the object to present to Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too.  This sack I delivered to E. requesting that he should exercise great care in the use of its contents, keeping them exclusively for their (E & T's) own use.  The articles were various but of small amount each.  In quantity about as follows:
1 qt. N.O. Molasses
1 pint Salt
2 qts Wheat flour
1 qt. Ind. meal
1/4 lb tea
1 lb. Ground Coffee
3 lbs. Beef & Pork
5 Cakes Sea bread
I sent also an article wh. I have learned them to judiciously use in case of a cold etc. to wit a small Bottle of "Perry Davis Pain Killers".

Knowing these parties to feel highly delighted with anything like above provisions, I know the effect of their receiving them will have a tendency to help me in carrying out my purposes relative to my Expedition to King Williams Land.

Capt. B. remarked when the above articles were in readiness, that he felt disposed to make the quantity greater, but the limited supply of what he had on hand would not admit of it.  I cannot but be thankful for what he has done.  Of course the present will be used as rare luxuries!  

As before remarked, the Company started off at IX.  Ebierbing came to me & grasped my hand, thanking me heartily for my kindness to him & his, & bid me a reluctant adieu.  He says that in about 4 weeks he shall revisit the ship.  Kunia & her winga, Ugarny, also like friends, bid me "good bye" seeming sad at leaving me behind.  They all expected to arrive in good time to-day to the new ice where Ebierbing & Ugarny sealed on our way down where they will build an Igloo for the families going up, when every Sealer will try his hand at Sealing through the night.  To-morrow

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1861 [[symbol: cross]] [[Sunday]] Feb 24

they expect to reach Budington Bay Igloos.

Another party started off about same time for Frobisher Bay.  It consisted of 

To-day for break-fast & dinner we had Walrus meat.  It went well!

The wind to day has been from all points of the Compass.  The AM was fine but P.M. Cloudy.  
In a few days, I contemplate taking a trip over to Frobisher Bay, where are congregated something like 100 Innuits.  There are but few left here at "Rescue Harbor".  Capt B. feels quite relieved from the number that have departed to other & better Sealing quarters where they will probably be able to support themselves instead of taxing his patience & liberality longer in keeping them from starvation.  The Steward is in fine humor rejoicing at the sights of departing Innuits!

Snow on the Sun-side of the Boats & Vessel melted mid-day.  The Thermometer for 4 days has been above 0 point.

On Board "George Henry"
Monday Feb 25th 1861

Two Innuit women with packs on their shoulders left here to-day for Frobisher Bay.  I have a great desire to go over that way.  I told Capt B. to-day I intended taking [[underlined]] my pack on my back [[/underlined]] & starting in a few days, expecting to be gone a week or so.  Two or 3 hunting parties went out to-day expecting to bring back some shot Rabbits as a light fall of snow occured