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Wednesday Feb 27th 1861

This has been another fine day.
To-night VII o'Clock as I went upon deck I asked Capt B who was walking to & fro for his health - (no one of the "George Henry" does more walking than he) if any Aurora had yet appeared?  He answered, Nay.  I joined him in his deck walk.  A few moments after a ray of Aurora shot up from the horizon S.W.  In 15 minutes it spead extending to the E. & W. enlightening the heavens in that direction.  The Ther. this Eve is down to -8°.
During the greater part of the day a strong breeze has been blowing from the S.W.

The officers & men are almost constantly discussing matters pertaining to the Whaling Expedition they expect to start out on in the month of Apr. the active preparations commencing next month.

It is time Sharkey who took some of Capt. B's dogs to remove his things & family to Budington Bay, to return.  I hope to hear of my good friends Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too on his return.  I am sure they will send me a piece of raw frozen Seal!

To-morrow is the last of the Month - March is by us.  Welcome March, April, May & June.  Trice Welcome July, when I can depart on my errand here North!

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Thursday, Feb 28th 1861

The day opened gloriously, the Sun rising in all its brightest effulgence.  It has truly been a [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] day - not a cloud appearing the whole Heavens from early Morn to this hour X at night.

The Aurora is fine to-night reaching from the S.W. across to the E. thus:
[[image: drawing of Aurora annotated E. S. N.W. 10° to 15° high]]
Apparently it looks like a (straight) golden fence in a [[underlined]] direct line [[/underlined]] from the points named (from E. to N.W.)  Its base is but 3° or 4° from the horizon.  The beams are dancing - 1st one way then the opposite.  Well titled: [[underlined]] "Merrie dancers" [[/underlined]] by an early Navigator of Northern Seas.  

Ther. at this hour 14° minus - a perfect calm - seemingly to the human system the air is many degrees above Zero!

Some of the hands forward are showing signs of being effected with the Scurvy.  One badly off.  Capt. B. asked me to-day what I would recommend for the one worst off?  I answered: '43 days among the Innuits, living as I did!  Fresh Seal meat & Blood will make one almost defy its attack, or continuation.'