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1861 Mon Mar. 4th

At this hour, (IX P.M.) I resume the Record of the day.  What I have said in my Journal of this day, was written prior to 2 1/2 O'Clock P.M.  An incident I am about to relate will hardly be believed, yet good & true witnesses are aboard of our "Craft" to substantiate every word of it.

It is a dog Story nevertheless, I tell [[underlined]] only what are facts. [[/underlined]]

The [[underlined]] commencement [[/underlined]] of the story has already been made on the preceeding page relation to the Rein-deer & my "Greenlanders".  I stated that [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] of the latter (dog "Bar-be-kark") returned [[underlined]] covered with blood [[/underlined]] wh. some of the men declared to be Rein-deer.  This truly "blooded" dog, at length, aroused a party of the "Forward-hands" (consisting of 9) who determined they would follow him, (the then [[underlined]] restless [[/underlined]] dog after stopping awhile around the vessel had started off [[underlined]] again, [[/underlined]] taking a N. Westerly course) if it took till night to find him!  This party followed "Barbekark's" tracks [[underlined]] five miles, [[/underlined]] when they found him & all my other "Greenlanders" - [[underlined]] & also found close by them a noble Rein-deer with his throat cut- & still warm! [[/underlined]]

"Bar-be-Kark" - my "Knowing dog" from "Greenland's Icy Mountains", [[underlined]] to-day [[/underlined]] has proved himself of [[underlined]] truer, better [[/underlined]] metal than my faithful favorite friend of Steel, my Rifle!

And yet I cannot give it up so!

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1861 Mon Mar 4th

Be faithful to all - to faithful friends forever - then I must, at once, change this record or recall it - or [[underlined]] expunge [[/underlined]] it, congressional fashion, by drawing deep sable marks around it!  Why?  Because I have said that [[underlined]] Dog [[/underlined]] in today's contest with Rifle (both great favorites of mine) has proved the Victor!
Is it so?
My Rifle in the hands of my friend, Capt B. is a [[underlined]] sure shot. [[/underlined]]
Was my Rifle in the hands of Capt. B.?
Therefore "Bar-be-Kark" [[underlined]] has not [[/underlined]] proved [[underlined]] truer & better [[/underlined]] than my Rifle!
Even though the former did chase, "run down" & [[underlined]] kill the [[/underlined]] Rein-deer!
To make all my story truthful, I must expunge.

Having now done this, I tell the incident in full, from its inception to end.
I do this, not by a woven story - but by "dottings", hoping to have it some day properly [[?madeled]] into readable form.

At X O'Clock the sharp eyes of the Innuit, "Charley", while on deck ([[space]]) descried Rein-deer on the ice of "Rescue Bay" to the Nor Westward.  This put everyone of the "George Henry" under a deep state of excitement!  From Commander to Cabin boy the cry rung Tuk-too! tuk-too!!  Many of us were so sure of getting at least