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1861 Mon Mar. 11th

gained over the Swedes succeeded with great difficulty in procuring a flask of ale. Just as he was about to put it to his lips, one of the enemy, who was lying severely wounded in the battle-field earnestly entreated a share. Faint tho' he was, the Dane rightly judged that the wounded man was more in need of it than himself, & forgoing his own draught he eagerly bent over him & presented him with the flask. At that instant the dying man secretly aimed a pistol at his benefactor & fired.  The ball happily missed its mark. The Dane changed his mind. He rose from his stooping posture; he withdrew the flask from the Swede's reach; he drank off half the ale himself; & then giving the remainder to his ungrateful enemy, he accompanied it with the quiet reproof! [[underlined]] "Now, you rogue, you shall have but half of it." [[/underlined]] 
The discharge of the pistol had drawn the attention of those, who, in search of their wounded or their dead, were near at hand. The closing act of the story was witnessed by admiring spectators. The tale was conveyed to the ears of the King of Denmark, who, sending for the soldier granted leave that he & his family for ever should bear for their sign, or mark of honor, the figure of a half-filled ale-flask!
A few minutes after 2 O'clock P.M. (our dinner ^[[hour]] 2) Capt. B. discried an Innuit with dogs & sledge to the Westward, approaching the vessel. Any new arrival - or prospect of one, sets all in "tip-toe" of excitement! The rapidity of the [[strikethrough]] new [[/strikethrough]] dogs, (though [[strikethrough]] they were [[/strikethrough]] only three), soon brought the new comer along side.  He proved to be "Bob" himself ^[[(King-wat-chung]]) just from "Frobisher Bay". He started this Morn about 8.  The three dogs are fine ones - in good working order.  The sledge is

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1861 Mon Mar 11th

the smallest I have seen on this side Davis Straits. Its dimensions are
The sledges used on Greenland side of "Davis Straits" are very diminutive in length compared with those on this. As to width the Greenlanders are almost double.
"Bob" (King-wat-cheng) had upon his Kum-mi-ti (sledge) several pieces of Walrus meat & blubber. He says that "Sterry", "Spikes" & [[space]] arrived over there on the eve of [[symbol: cross]] (the day they left the vessel)
h m
X-15 P.M.
'O sing unto the Lord a new song for He hath done marvelous things: His right hand & His holy arm hath gotten Him the Victory'.
It seemeth to me as if the very doors of heaven have  been opened to-night, so [[underlined]] mighty [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] beauteous marvellous [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] were the waves of golden light that a few moments ago, swept

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed Edited to remove extra space between sentences, to denote inserts, and other Reviewed. Incorrect inserts deleted.