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1861 Mon Mar 11

The space over which the pathway of Aurora mostly led has already been stated.  A few moments after we took our positions on going above, the 'piles' of Auroral Light [[strikethrough]] I have [[/strikethrough]] began their indicated work.  The whole belt began to be alive with flashes.
At length each "pile" or banks of Light became myriads, some now dropping down the great pathway or belt, others springing up - others leaping with lightening flash from one side while others are quickly passed from opposite to the vacated side - some twisting themselves into folds [[strikethrough]] maxims [[/strikethrough]] entering with others like [[strikethrough]] ex [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Mountains of [[strikethrough]] St [[/strikethrough]] Stupendous Serpents [[/underlined]] - all their movements as quick as the eye could follow [[underlined]] "quick as flash". [[/underlined]]  It seemed as if there was [[strikethrough]] ther struggle [[/strikethrough]] a struggle with this Heavenly Light to reach & occupy the dome above our heads.  The whole Arch above became [[underlined]] crowded - Down - down it came - near & nearer [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] it approached us!

Capt. B. broke our silence: 'Hark! hark!' [[underlined]] Such [[/underlined]] a display - almost as if a warefare among the [[underlined]] "beauteous" [[/underlined]] was going on - [[underlined]] So palpable - So near -  seemed impossible without noise! [[/underlined]] But no, all was silence.

O, how glorious was the sight!  Now [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] sheets of golden flame cornscating while [[strikethrough]] frollicking [[/strikethrough]] leaping

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1861 Mon Mar 11

dome-ward [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] up the [[strikethrough]] great highway [[/strikethrough]] Auroral belt - & met in their course by some mighty agency that turns said cornscations into the colors of the rainbow (Each of the 7 primary 3[[degree symbol]] in width) sheeted out [[strikethrough]] 3[[degree symbol]] in width [[/strikethrough]] to 21[[degree symbol]].  These prismatic bows [[strikethrough]] or the colors [[/strikethrough]] at right angles with the "Belt".

{See the testimony of Tuk-oo-li-too relative to this Auroral display, under Mar 22d 1861.}

Transcription Notes: