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Tuesday, Mar 12th

Ther AM -27[[degree symbol]] Wind N.W. Fresh } 1861
Dry Fair
M -6[[degree symbol]] " " " [[dittos for: Wind N.W.]] Modt. }
P.M. -20 " " [[dittos for: Wind N.]] Calm } Feb. beams A.

According to arrangements made yesterday afternoon, Lamb & the Innuit Que-jesse started off early this morning with 14 Dogs & Kum-mi-ti for the Bay we entered last Fall with the "Rescue" the object being to transport a cask containing cook-stove & its furniture, canvass tents, & many et-ceteras to be used in prosecuting the Whaling contemplated over in Frobisher Bay next & succeeding months 

My "Greenlanders", being [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]] in excellent condition, I now allow them to go into service.  They were of the team.  The load was very heavy - especially for the 1st trial of dogs unused to each other.  I should think the weight of cask, contents & sledge would come very near a ton.  Crow bars had to be used to start the sledge.  The trouble to get [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] under way was considerable.  They were out of our sight, tho' not of hearing, by VI o'clock.

[[to right solid red line]]
Half an hour after [[strikethrough]] dinner [[/strikethrough]] 12 (Noon) Lamb, Quejesse, dogs & sledge have in sight on their return.  This early appearance indicated a failure in getting to the point designed.  Arriving within 2 miles of the mouth of the Bay, they were to enter (wh. is some 5 miles to the N.W. of the channel leading down into Bear Sound) they were obliged to leave the Cask & return as hummocks & snow prevented their advance unless by diminished load. [[/to right solid red line]]

As no [[strikethrough]] preparation [[/strikethrough]] calculation had been made

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1861 Tues Mar 12

for any contingency of the kind, it was concluded best to return to the vessel & try what can be done to-morrow.

I may have state that after getting out of the harbor, this party was delayed some time by the overturning of the load.  Some of the men of the vessel had to go out to assist in re-loading.

To-morrow morn Lamb, Smith & Que-jesse with sledge & dogs proceede to the cask - open it & divide the contents making 2 loads. [[strikethrough]] of it. [[/strikethrough]]  They will probably be able to accomplish the transfer cask & contents within sight of Frobisher Bay by night.

This morning Bob (King-wat-cheng) met with this mishap.  Two of his team dogs left early for home, "Frobisher Bay".  He was obliged to be contented to make his journey back with only one dog.  He made his departure at VIII A.M. under favorable prospects, considering the power & speed of the one he had.  By the way, two of the scurvy afflicted parties of the ship's men, John Brown & Bruce accompanied "Bob" ([[space]]) the object of Capt. B. being to get them over to Frobisher Bay Innuit settlement, where they can live for awhile, on [[underlined]] fresh meat [[/underlined]] - Walrus & Seal.  This is evidently the best thing that could be done.  Capt. B. advised with me relative to this matter.  I thought well of it.  

The day has been [[underlined]] Fine. [[/underlined]]
At this hour, X 1/2 oclock night no Aurora save a few threads springing up for a few moments from [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] towards the S & shooting past [[symbol: Jupiter]] - And yet over much of the heavens there is a thin gauze wh. I think is Aurora

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