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A.M. Ther - 25[[degree symbol]] Wind N.W. Day Fine
M -6 " " " " [[dittos for: Wind N.W. Day Fine]]
P.M. - 26[[degree symbol]] " " " " [[dittos for: Wind N.W. Day Fine]] A. & S.

[[note]] In Sun M Ther + 12[[degree symbol [[/note]]

[[symbol: cross]] Mar. 17th 1861

XI O'clock, Night - 
A Man lost! [[underlined]] the [[/underlined]] man found - [[underlined]] dead!! frozen to death!!! [[/underlined]]

I am too fatigued - my mind too overwhelmed with the [[underlined]] dreadfull incidents of the day, [[/underlined]] to make record of what belongs to this day's journal!  I leave all for the morrow - after having said: 
Peace to the soul of John Brown, one of the men of the "George Henry".

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

^[[(29 Colums)]]

1861 [[symbol: cross with circle at bottom]] Mar 17

Written Monday 18th/61

I now resume the painful record of the subject forshadowed in the few words of my last night's penning.

Turning back to the record of last Tuesday, [[strikethrough]] Wednesday, [[/strikethrough]] it will be seen that two of the "George Henry's" men, [[underlined]] John Brown [[/underlined]] (who now "sleepeth in Death) & James Bruce - both scurvy afflicted - were sent over to Frobisher Bay Oo-pung-ne-wing for the object of having them [[strikethrough]] live [[/strikethrough]] with the Innuits, for awhile, living exclusively upon Fresh Meat - Walrus & Seal.

They accompanied, as there stated, the Innuit "Bob" (King-wat-che-ung) with whom Capt. B. made distinct arrangements to care for them, providing for all their needs. [[strikethrough]] required]]  This Innuit, "Bob" has a noble soul - one that prompts him to [[underlined]] noble deeds [[/underlined]] - continually outpouring in behalf of the poor - the friendless - the unfortunate - the sick. - [[underlined]] He is the one to whom Capt. B. feels indebted for saving his life [[/underlined]] in the disasterous Winter here of 1855 & 6 when he (Capt. B.) lost 13 men of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] his vessel, the "Georgiana", by Scurvey!

On Friday last, (Mar 15th) by the journal, it will also be seen that Que-jes-se & "Charley" (Koo-per-nu-ung) went over to the Innuit Settlements at "Frobisher Bay" with the dogs & sledge for the object of trafficking for Walrus tusks & meat.  It was expected they would return

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