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Mar 25
on a goodly proportion, of the ice making to the coast is broken up & taken out by the 1st change of wind Sea-ward. If I recollect right, at the very place where they have at present their Igloo, new ice had [[strikethrough]] been [[/strikethrough]] been formed which I saw on my way down. This, of course, indicated that the previous gales had broken up the ice & carried it out to sea. However, I may state that in coming down many places showed that all the ice had been broken up - carried out & much of it returned having intervening waters spaces of acres & miles to covered over with new ice as the weather should form it. 
Deep as is my solicitude for Ebirnbing & Tuk-oo-li-too's safety, yet I feel they are in the Hands of the Eternal. God grant them Thy preserving Power in this day of Thy Wonders, as shown to man in ^[[the]] elements around him.
X o'clock Night - The wind abated its [[strikethrough]] terriff[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] terrific power an hour preceeding dark. It is now in the N.W. blowing ^[[in "huffy"]] now others strong. Thermometer as wind changed +3[[degree symbol]]. Now +4[[degree symbol]] 
Much snow has fallen in this storm
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Mar 25
For my own convenience in referring to a matter concerning myself I make this record: that at present I am suffering intensely. what the cause of ^[[the]] strange feelings - of stra^[[n]]ge pains in  my system [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] that have visited me to-day I know not unless it be from the extraordinary efforts I put [[strikethrough]] fouth [[/strikethrough]] forth on the day of that terrible search.
Whatever is in store for me, O, God be Thou with me! Thou friend of poor Sinners Look in compassion upon me give me a heart [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] that shall be prepared for Death at any moment.