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[[Top corner of first page]] 

Mar 30th 

Declination Mar 30/61 
    2  13
=3-54-48 N.
90 00 00
86-05 12 [[circled]] A [[/circled]]

[[symbol for Sun]]'s Correct Alt. 27°-27'-41"
Latitute N. 62-51-30 Secant .34084

A. Polar Dis. 86-05-12 Co-secant .00102
2) 176-24-23
Half sum 88-12-21 Cosine 8.49602
60-44-40 Sine 9.94080
2) 18.77868

Apparent J. {AM 10h-06m-30s = Sine = 9.38934
Equation + 4 - 27
Mean time 10 - 10 - 57
Rescue Harbor [[underlined]] Ten [[/underlined] O'Clock, [[underlined]] ten [[/underlined]] min + [[underlined]] 57  [[/underlined]] seconds

B) Chromometer Time Brought from opposite page

 Chro Fast Sept 12/60 ----- 1-20 = {no other rate applied} 
(Vide journal this date) 14-26-17
Rescue Harbor time to-day's ob. = 10-10-57
{=4-15-20 [[symbol??]] Difference Time Greenwich
[[line across page]]
Sept. 12th 1860}
    Observation} = 4-20-19 [[symbol??]]
Chro. Slow === 4m - 59sec = (slow) 
[[line across page]]
[[strikethrough]] C) Long W 63°-50'-00" 
[                 D) Long W 65-04-45
1°-14'-45" [[/strikethrough]]
See following Remarks (above) 

[[end page]] 
[[start page]]

[[Top corner of second page]] 

Mar 30th 

In my journal of Mar 14/61
I make this [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] from [[/strikethrough]][[transfer of the members of the party who rated the G. Henry's Chronometer, to wit: 
In cold weather this Chro (G. H's) will run on Mean Time; or have a small losing rate. 
Now since Sept 12th/60 if the observation of to-day is correct there has been a losing rate of .665 of a second per day (near 2/3ds of a second per day) since Sept 12th/61. to date 30th Mar 199 Days 

[[note, written vertically]] Either error in observations of this day on working them up Not the error I supposed in G.H. Chro Hall May 1861. [[/note]] 

{ Chro. lost since 
Sept 12/61 = 299 Seconds (4m-59s) 
Secs        Days
299         199 (.665)
[[boxed, on left, large X drawn over text]]
Until I otherwise determine shall call G.H. Chro [[underlined]] Slow [[/underlined]] 4m-39s *
(I must check this out. H 

[boxed on right]] [[strikethrough]]
I think "George Henry" Chro. 2/3 * second per day the present losing Rate 
[[/boxed]] [[/strikethrough]]  

The rate given with the Chro by the [[underlined]] ratings [[/underlined]]
was 1/2 second per day - [[underline]] "fast". [[/underline]]
Another observation in a day or two 
will settle the [[underlined]]present [[/underline]] note. 
I see, by referring back to the