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1861 [[symbol: cross]] Mar. 31

I thought it imprudent for me to leave the vessel, at present as contemplated in my last nights journal.  My disabled shoulder cried out - 'take - Care'!  Capt B. thinks it will take all his skill & experience to restore me to the state he wishes me.

This is the last of March - the last of March 1861 - my watch shows: 12 o'clock Midnight!

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Monday Apr. 1st 1861

Ther AM. - 18[[degree symbol]] Wind NW strong (Fair)
" [[ditto for: Ther]] M. - [[strikethrough]] 10[[degree symbol]] [[/strikethrough]] 12[[degree symbol]] " NW " " [[dittos for: Wind strong (Fair)
" [[ditto for: Ther]] P.M. - 14[[degree symbol]] NW - Modt. Husky. (A & S Faint
Bar. 28.850 AM
" [[ditto for: Bar.]] 29.050 M
" [[ditto for: Bar.]] 29.100 PM

This has been a clear, cold day - [[underlined]] Cold, [[/underlined]] because the wind has been blowing [[underlined]] strong [[/underlined]] from the N.W.

Capt. B., on my making enquiry to-day if he remembered the frequency of seeing Auroral displays here North during the prevailance of strong winds, replied that he had noted them only as [[underlined]] occasionally [[/underlined]] taking place.  He recollected well seeing this phenomenon during his voyage here in 1857 & 8 - 

Lightening [[underlined]] sharp [[/underlined]] & abundant in Oct when the heavens were clear - the air very cold & wind blowing strong - a bright star light night! [[note]] T-Con-tuk-ju-a this place [[/note]]

At 2 o'clock P.M. "Bob" (Nen-nu-nu-arny) & Shev-ak-koo arrived from Frobisher Bay.  They brought a Kum-mi-ti load of fresh walrus meat for the men & dogs of the G.H.!  A very acceptable gift.  The natives over there caught a walrus the day "Bran-Nur" left - day before yesterday.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Incorrect insertions & irrelevant strikethroughs deleted, some transcription corrected.