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1861 Tues Apr 9th

At this hour table of Main Cabin surrounded by natives playing "Dominos". Ebierbing, "Miner" & wife, "Charley" & wife, "Jim Crow" & wife.
The Gale of to-day has been terrific.  One would have to contest sharply with the elements in order [[underlined]] to breathe, [[/underlined]] if outside of Ship's Cabin for a moment.

This afternoon an alarm was raised that Innuit Sharkey's wife had fallen down the steps of the forecastle & was dying. It seems in mounting the stairs leading therefrom with her infant (1/2 White) she was taken with a fainting fit & therefore fell. Tho' no fracture resulted, yet she has been in critical condition since, some of the time unconscious. Ebierbing & Koodloo return to-morrow if weather will admit.

This eve opened up the subject to Capt. B. of my going out soon on exploring tours. One down into Frobisher Bay & thence to its N.E. Extreme intending to be absent 2 weeks - another, S.E., along the ridge of mountains that trend that way, extending 30 or 40 miles out into the Sea. This ridge divides the waters of Frobisher Bay from this & the entrance to this Bay.

[[end page]]
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Wednesday, Apr. 10th 1861

Ther. Bar.
AM -5[[degree symbol]] 28.850 Wind Light N.W.  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
M 0 28.95 " [[ditto for: Wind]] Fresh N.E. " [[ditto for: [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] ]]
PM -12 28.90 Cold & Very clear " [[ditto for: [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] ]]  A & S

Observations for variation with Azimuth Compass
[[first column]]
h m s
18-11-15 [[written vertically]] SEe 3dColumeSubsequet [[/written vertically]]  209[[degree symbol]]
[[written vertically]] {Watch slow}
{on a[[?]] Time }
{4 min 29 sec.}
[[/written vertically]] 
14-30 [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] 208
19-30 207
22-30 206  
[[line]] [[line]]
73[[degree symbol]] -07[[feet symbol]] -45[[inch symbol]] 4) 830
[[line]] [[line]]
18-16-56 207.5
Time of the Watch No 2
wh. I compared [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 
immediately with the G.H. Chro. 
on coming aboard was say within 5 min 
of the termination of 
the observations.
[[/first column]]
second column]]
[[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] Budington Mount Az.C. 256[[degree symbol]]
[[encircled]] B [[/encircled]] Parker's Bluff Az.C. 72[[degree symbol]]
[[encircled]] C [[/encircled]] Frenchman's Head Az.C. 111[[degree symbol]]
[[encircled]] A B C [[/encircled]] I repeat the above 
with the object to 
test the [[underlined]] Daily [[/underlined]] ^[[fluctuating}] Declination 
of the needle - or rather 
tri-Daily [[strikethrough]] D [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Change.
[[/second column]]
[[line across page]]
Morning Observations for Time
h m s 
21-1-45 [[checkmark]] 53[[degree symbol]] -19[[feet symbol]] -30[[inch symbol]] [[checkmark]]
7-30 [[checkmark]] 54-28-15 [[checkmark]]
9-25 [[checkmark]] 54-46-00 [[checkmark]]
12-00 [[checkmark]] 55-12-45 [[checkmark]]
17-12 [[checkmark]] 56-05-00 [[checkmark]]
18-45 [[checkmark]] 56-20-00 [[checkmark]]
20-25 [[checkmark]] 56-35-00 [[checkmark]]
23-35 [[checkmark]] 57-05-00 [[checkmark]]
29-20 [[checkmark]] 59-50-00 [[checkmark]]
30-50 [[checkmark]] 58-05-00 [[checkmark]]
[[line]] [[/line]]
10) 212-50-47 10) 559-46-30
[[line]] [[line]]
W. 21-17-04 [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 55-58-39
21-21-33 -1-45 Index Sp.
[[line]] [[line]]
Watch slow m4-s29 | 2)55-56-54
[[line]] [[line]]
- | 27-58-27
- |    16-07 = [[symbol: Sun]] Semi D & Parx
- | --------
- | 28-14-34
- |    -1-46 Ref
- | --------
- | 28-12-48 [[symbol: Sun]] [[?Time]] AC.
- | Lat. 62-52-00 | Secant 34098
- | P.D. 81-56-07 | Cosecant 00432
- |      --------
- | 2)173-00-55
- |   ---------
- | 86-30-22 | Cosine  8.78492
- | 28-12-48
- | --------
- | 58-17-34 | Sine 9.92980
- | -------- |      -------
- | AM - h9 m21 s33 | 2)19.06002
- | 12 00 00 |          --------
- | -------- | Sine 9.53001
- | 21-21-33
- | 21-17 04
- | Slow on Ap. Time m4-s29