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Apr 13
IX A.M. - The weather so unpropitious that I must delay my contemplated tramp, since Sunrise, it has thickened up & now a light snow is falling, while the mountains all around are enveloped from view. I had made arrangements for "Sharkey" ( ) the company of yesterday, to go with me.
PM Observations for Variation of 
h m s [[sun symbol]]
Compass { 6-52-18 -13[[degree symbol]] } By Az. Compass
Apparent { 6-56-18 - 12[[degree symbol]] }
Times =  { 7-00-18 - 11[[degree symbol]] }
         { 7-04-18 - 10[[degree symbol]] }
There being uniformly 4 minutes intervening the observations, I take [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] - say time 2d - h6-m56-s18 & work it out:
Time App. from Noon h6-m56-s18 = 5.09459
Lat 62-52 = 9.65902
Dec. Cont 9.99423
55955 = 4.74784
03457 = 1[[degree symbol]] -59[[feet symbol]] [[symbol: Sun]] AC
Refraction + 18-35
Parallax -9
[[symbol: Sun]] True Alt = 2[[degree symbol]] -17[[feet symbol]] -26[[inch symbol]]
[[left margin]]
9-19-03 = Dec. 
[[/left margin]]
P. Dis. 80[[degree symbol]] -41[[feet symbol]]
62-52 = .34098
2-17 = .00034
72-55 = 9.46800
7[[degree symbol]] -46 = 9.99600
36[[degree symbol]] -57[[feet symbol]] = 9.90266
x 2
N 73[[degree symbol]] -54[[feet symbol]] W. [[symbol: Sun]]'s true Az.
N 12-00 W. [[symbol: Sun]]'s Magc. Az.
N 61[[degree symbol]] -54[[feet symbol]] W. [[underlined]] Variation [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for: Magc.]] Needle
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
To-day measured distance base of Budington Mount to vessel in direct line - found it to be 4455 feet. Consequently my pacing is too short for the measure I allow to wit - 2 5/10 feet. From measurement & the angles have calculated height of Budington Mount & find it to be 7 feet less than 500 - that is 493 feet above the level of the Sea.
[[image: diagram of angles annotated 4[[degree symbol]] -20[[feet symbol]]. 3003 feet 8[[degree symbol]]-00[[feet symbol]] 493 feet]]
(See Apr 12th)
[[image: diagram of angles annotated 4-20 2277  6-30 726 8[[degree symbol]] -00 1188 11-30 264  12-00]]
Little girl, Oo-kood-lear - & bright boy "Isaiah" arrived from Ebierbing's settlement to-day - they "ran away"! Says that ^[[Tuk-oo-li-too]] sent word to me "Te-bon-e-tie" (?)
[[double line across page]]
[[image - cross]] Apr. 14 1861
AM. +8 28.675 Wind N.W. Light (Overcast)
M +4 28.657 " [[ditto for: Wind]] N.E. Fresh, Clear
PM 0 28.576 = Calm & beautiful A & S.
PM Observations for Time
h m 2
8-21-27 46[[degree symbol]] - 35[[feet symbol]]
8-22-52 46-17 [[encircled]] Obsv. (Mine) [[/encircled]] 
8-26-19 46-05
8 27-35 45 20 
[[line]] [[/line]]
4 | 33-38-13 4 | 184-17
[[line]] [[line]]
8-24-33) [[dotted line to encircled note above]] 46-04-15
Chro 10-34.7) Sextant error -1-45
Fract 10-34.7) [[dotted line to last encircled text]] [[line]]
[[line]] [[line]]
8-13-56.3 2 | 46-02-30
T[[?]] [[?]] gain 2.3 ) 23-01-1[[?]]
[[line]] 16=07
8-13-53.7 [[line]]
Ref 2-13
[[sun symbol]] Al. 23-15-09
Chro fast
to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] 12th
Note 10-34.7
( since 12th}
( 2 Days fast } =7.6
m s 