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1861 + [[Sunday]] Apr 14

[[symbol: Sun]]'s Alt. 23-15-09
Lat. N, 62-52-00  Secant  .34098
P. Dis. 80-23-22 [[CoSecorp?]] 00614
        83-15-15 Cosine  9.06984
        60-00-06 Sine    9.93753
Apparent Time Observation PM = h3-m47-s12        = 9.67724
Equation                             + 10
Chro Mean Time                 8-13-53.7
Greenwich                      4-26-37.7             
                               4-25 20
                                 1m-11.7/10 secs

Dec Az.  9-30'-22.7"
Corrn       6-15.6

Here is a difference of [[underlined]] One Minute 11 & 7/10 seconds [[/underlined]] between the results of today's observations & those of Friday!  [[underlined]] How this is, [[/underlined]] needs to be & [[underlined]] must be [[/underlined]] ascertained.  Some of the observations of 12th were taken with cloudy sky, so that I did not use the shade-glasses to the Sextant.  The difference may partly be in this.  To-day the Chro was used direct while the other day (Fri) the Watch was used intermediate.  I shall now use Chro. [[underlined]] direct & often [[/underlined]] to regulate instruments &c.

I may find a mistake in the working up.  I leave a blank here that I may add a word when this matter is determined.

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1861 + [[Sunday]] Apr 14

Que-jes-se & Charley returned this eve 6 1/2 o'clk by way of Annawa's settlement.  They brought a load of skin & blubber (Walrus) for the dogs.  They caught 2 small (young) seals on their way up from Whale Fish Depot on the ice of Frobisher Bay.  Fluker who went over with these Innuits, starting from vessel day before yesterday, returned to-day two hours before Q. & C.  They stopped on the NW side R. Bay to seal.  Saw one out on the ice & tried their [[underlined]] peculiar [[/underlined]] way of [[underlined]] Working (crawling) [[/underlined]] up to it - but did not succeede in capturing it.

To-morrow I hope to find pleasant that I may make my trip to the head of this Bay - to take angles & observe the character of its head.

XI O'Clock Night.  The stars & cresent shining in a [[underlined]] clear [[/underlined]] sky, save the painting by golden beams by Aurora.  The prospect is fair - [[underlined]] fine [[/underlined]]  that I shall have a good day for my operations.
Sharkey, the laughing Innuit, is to accompany me.