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Monday Apr 15, 1861
AM Ther -8 Bar 28.725 Wind N.W. Light Pleasant
M . +4 " [[ditto for: Bar]] 28 7.00 " [[ditto for: Wind]] N.E. " " [[dittos for: Light Pleasant]]
PM -4 " [[ditto for: Bar]] 28.600 " [[ditto for: Wind]] N.N.E. " [[ditto for: Light]] (A & S.)
A day worth remembering by a Northern traveller. Had I been the Power that makes the weather, I could not have conceived & made better than has been to-day.
From some delays on my own part & that of the one I expected to be my companion - Que-jes-se - I did not get off till a few minutes before IX A.M.
Sharkey was to have accompanied me but Capt. B. wished him to take charge of the dogs in taking a load over to Whale Fish Depot. At my starting I was accompanied by Que-jesse who took along with him Capt. B.s ^[[Black - No -]] [[/strikethrough]] bob [[/strikethrough]] tailed - one - eyed - no - eared ^[[ [bear looking cross - fighting]] [[strikethrough]] Seal [[/strikethrough]] ^[[old - Seal]] dog "Eliza Ann" ^[[What a name for a Canine!]] & his onan & Seal hook. Que-jesse, the Innuit was to attend me through the day - but the sports of Seal hunting [[strikethrough]] drawed hi [[/strikethrough]] led him out of ^[[my]] course, therefore, I soon lost sight of him [[underlined]] & dog [[/underlined]] till near night while on the top of this peak where I was [[strikethrough]] [[?]]k [[/strikethrough]] taking sights (Angler.). ^[[Then]] I heard the cry of the dog, took up my "Marine" & looked away out in the Bay, [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] ^[[&]] descried) Quejes-se administering Innuit punishment to the dog, wh. nears [[underlined]] punishment without mercy. [[/underlined]] I suppose ^[[dog]] [strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[could]] not find Seal Igloos - (for perhaps there were none) & [[underlined]] therefore the chastisement of which reason oft times with an Innuit & with action
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Apr 15
Pacing to be multiplied by 2 then ^[[by]] two & 3/10 (2.3) except the last wh. is to be as indicated [[underlined]] (2) [[/underlined]] [[?]] of 2.3. The result will be in feet.
[[column one]]
By Az Compass
Paces feet Courses
600 x 2 x 2.3 352
[[image]] 600 352
Lupton Mount (Azc.) 123[[degree symbol]]
Geo T. Jones [[?]] 138.5
Vessel 173.5
Grinnel Mount 335
Straight Ahead Mt 278
Centre Look Out Isd 147
Right Tangent 140
Left " [[ditto for: Tangent]] 150
Parker Bluff 85.5
600 x 2 x 2 2.3 feet 342
193 x 2 x 2.3 " [[ditto for: 342]]
50 x 2 x 2.3 260
300 x 2 x 2.3 338
300 " " [[dittos for: x 2 x 2.3]] 338
300 " " " [[dittos for: x 2 x 2.3 338]]
300 " " " [[dittos for: x 2 x 2.3 338]]
300 " " " [[dittos for: x 2 x 2.3 338]]
300 " " " [[dittos for: x 2 x 2.3 338]]
300 " " " [[dittos for: x 2 x 2.3 338]]
300 " " " [[dittos for: x 2 x 2.3 338]]
F 300 " " " [[dittos for: x 2 x 2.3 338]]
A 300 " " " [[dittos for: x 2 x 2.3 338]]
[[sun symbol]] 's Mer. Observations
72[[degree symbol]] - 50[[feet symbol]] - 30[[inch symbol]]
73-28-00 }
[[encircled to right vertical]]
[[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]]
"Working up" - 
close of this day's
[[/encircled to right vertical]]
[[bracketed to right vertical]]
Only the one is of
use - 73[[degree symbol]] - 30[[feet symbol]]
[[/bracketed to right vertical]]
73-30 = { [[sun symbol]]'s Alt. Meridian
73-25 { Compass being of
73-20 { [[sun symbol]] = ^[[Sat]] 117[[degree symbol]] - 30[[feet symbol]] 
[[sun symbol]] South 180[[degree symbol]] - oo[[feet symbol]]
Variation N 62[[degree symbol]] - 30W.
From a Meridian mark ([[sun symbol]]) across Rescue Bay on
one of the Mountains (S side
(Parker Bay to Frenchman's
Head (B. Sextant) 9[[degree symbol]] - 15[[feet symbol]]
[[sun symbol]] to Vessel 46[[degree symbol]] - 10[[feet symbol]]
[[/column one]]
[[column two]]
Paces feet Course
300 x 2 x 2.3 338[[degree symbol]]
300 - - - - - " " " [[dittos for: x 2 x 2.3 338[[degree symbol]] ]]
200 - - - - - - " [[ditto for: 338[[degree symbol]] ]]
200 - - - - - - " [[ditto for: 338[[degree symbol]] ]]
300 - - - - - - " [[ditto for: 338[[degree symbol]] ]]
50 - - - - - - " [[ditto for: 338[[degree symbol]] ]]
[[line with loop]]
200 x 2 x 2.3 - - 10
200 " " [[dittos for: x2 x2.3]] - - 344
300 " " [[dittos for: x2 x2.3]] - - 352
300 " " [[dittos for: x2 x2.3]] - - 314
300 " " [[dittos for: x2 x2.3]] - - " [[ditto for: 314]]
x 50 " " [[dittos for: x2 x2.3]] - - " [[ditto for: 314]]
x. Head of small bight
thence. to a rocky
[[symbol]] rise ^[[(1950) 1/4 Mile]] overlooking
the waters & Islands
around. Here on
the apex I take my
Observation Mount
Bra[[?]]s 168[[degree symbol]]
G[[?]] W Field Mt 355
Head of Main Bay 2 or
3 miles distant N.W.
[[strikethrough]] brass [[/strikethrough]] 172[[degree symbol]]
Small bight I entered
[[line with loop]]
Back to head of said
bight ready for return
to the point leading to
observation Mount
Paces Course
300 x 2 x 2.3 136[[degree symbol]]
300 " " "[[dittos for: x2 x 2.3 136[[degree symbol]]
100 " [[ditto for: x2]] to small mount " [[ditto for: 136[[degree symbol]]
230 x 2 x 2.3 180
2 x 2.3
60x (to shore) 250
[[image]] To go up Mt. Observation
By Azc Compass
Frenchman's Head 128
Parker Bluff 121
C W Field Mt 354
Head of Bight I ^[[entered]]
[[?]] from wh. I have
first returned 351
[[/column two]]