Viewing page 263 of 309

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186 [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] 1
Apr 19
left of ) (Zero) on the arc. & furthermore that to save the subtraction of altitude of [[symbol]] from 89 the arc of the Quadrent [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] & the Venirn[[guess]] were made with ^[[the addition of]] reverse ^[[ [[strikethrough]] numbers [[/strikethrough]] & [numbers]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] of the degrees [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] minutes & seconds - So that on taking an Altitude the "reading off" should be by this set of [[underlined]] reverse [[/underlined]] figures. To wit - suppose the Altitude to be 40[[degree symbol]] - 40[[feet symbol]] ^[[(which includes the 12[[feet symbol]])] - the reading by the [[underlined]] reverse [[/underlined]] line would be 49[[degree symbol]] = 2-, thus obviating the necessity of taking the usual reading (say ^[[as]] the given instance [[strikethrough]] ) [[/strikethrough]] 40[[degree symbol]] - 40[[feet symbol]] & subtracting it from 90[[degree symbol]], which would give the same result.
Saturday Apr 20th 1861
AM +8[[degree symbol]] 28.500 Wind NW Light Fine
M +20 28.535 " " " [[dittos for: Wind NW Light]] [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
PM. +10 28.025 " [[ditto for: Wind]] NW " [[ditto for: Light]][[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] A & S. Artificial Horizon
Morning observations for Time
[[column one]]
P [[?]]. Chro. Greenwich }
H   m   [[strikethrough]] m [[/strikethrough]] s
{ 1 - 48 - 13.5 [[checkmark]] 61[[degree symbol]] - 15[[feet symbol]] 00 [[checkmark]] }
x { - 51 - 16 [[checkmark]] 61 - 45 - 00 [[checkmark]] }
[[symbol]] { 58 - 42.5 [[checkmark]] 63 - 00 - 00 [[checkmark]] }
2 - 01 - 38 [[checkmark]] 63 - 30 - 00 [[checkmark]] }
{ 3 - 22.5. 63 - 45 - 00 [[checkmark]] }
[[?]] { 6 - 23.5 [[checkmark]] 64 - 15 - 00 [[checkmark]] }
{ 11 - 00 [[checkmark]] 65 - 00 - 00 [[checkmark]] }
+ { 12 - 43.5 [[checkmark]] 65 - 15 - 00 [[checkmark]] }
[[?]] { 14 - 18 [[checkmark]] 65 - 30 - 00 [[checkmark]] }
X { 16 - 58 [[checkmark]] 65 - 45 - 00 }
E { 17 - 32.5 [[checkmark]] 66 - 00 - 00 [[checkmark]] }
h { 21 - 00 [[checkmark]] 66 = 30 = -- }
m   x
(2 - 22 - 30 [[checkmark]] 66[[degree symbol]] - 45[[feet symbol]] - 00[[inch symbol]] }
[[line]] 13 | [[line]]
27 - 45 - 38 13 | 83[[?]] - 15
[[line]] [[line]]
2h - 8m - 27.5 64[[degree symbol]] - 28[[feet symbol]] - 50[[inch symbol]] , 77 )
9 - 32 - 28 A & S [[line]]
4 - 35 - 39.5 } A[[?]] T. } h9 - m32 - s28
Dif of C. [[?]] } AM. P2 H[[guess]] [[line]]
[[/column one]]
[[column two]]
Chro. Greenwich
{ h m s
{ 1 - 35 - 39 [[checkmark]] 59[[degree symbol]] 00 [[?]] [[checkmark]]
{ x { 1 40 - 20 [[checkmark]] 59 - 45 [[checkmark]]
A { 1 42 - 30 [[checkmark]] 60 - 15 [[checkmark]]
{ These 3 obx. preceeded
{ the 13, Left [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] hands
{ 64[[degree symbol]] - 28[[feet symbol]] - 50[[inch symbol]] Working up of 1st [[?]]l. }
[[?]] [[?]] - 1 - 45
464 - 2[[?]] - 06
32 - 43 - 33
+ 16 - 04 = Semi Diam [[symbol]] & Px
32 - 29 - 37
- 1 - 30 = Ref.
32 - 28 - 07 [[symbol]]'s Al.
Lat. 62 - 52 - 00 [[?]] 0, 3 4098
[[?]] D. 78 - 21 - 40 Cosent[[guess]] 0,0 0902
[[right margin vertical line]]
2 | 173 - 41 - 47
86 - 50 - 53 Cosine[[guess]] 8.74024
32 - 28 - 07
54 - 22 - 46 Sine 9.91003
2| ( 9.00027
[[line]] 9.50013
[[/right margin vertical line]] 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Apr 20
Noon Observations for Latitude & Variation
(By Watch) By Rescue Sextant Index su - 1[[feet symbol]] - 45[[inch symbol]]
11 - 55 - 40 [[checkmark]] 77[[degree symbol]] - 00[[feet symbol]] 00[[inch symbol]] [[check,ark]] ^[[123[[degree symbol]] ]]
12 - 4 - 30 [[checkmark]] 77 - 09 - 00 [[checkmark]]
13 - 15 [[checkmark]] 77 - 12 - 30 [[checkmark]] ^[[117[[degree symbol]] ]]
20 - 00 [[checkmark]] 77 - 8 - 45 [[checkmark]] ^[[115]]
24 - 30 [[checkmark]] 77 - 3- 45 [[checkmark]] ^[[114]]
36 - 00 [[checkmark]] 76 - 46 - 00 [[checkmark]]
39 - 30 [[checkmark]] 76 - 39 - 00 [[checkmark]] ^[[107]]
47 - 00 [[checkmark]] 76 - 37 - 45 [[checkmark]]
[[left margin written vertically]]
Vide rate
[[encircled]] [[?]] [[/encircled]] opp. page
[[/left margin written vertically]]
By Pocket Sex. No). Erro[[?]]
By Watch
h m w
12 - 06 - 00 [[checkmark]] 77[[degree symbol]] - 3[[feet symbol]] 00[[inch symbol]] [[checkmark]] ^[[122[[degree symbol]] ]]
8 - 30 [[checkmark]] 77 - 8 - 00 [[checkmark]] ^[[118]]
18 - 35 [[checkmark]] 77 - 4 - 00 [[checkmark]]
26 - 20 [[checkmark]] 77 - 00 - 00 [[checkmark]] ^[[113]]
[[left margin written vertically]] See Note [[encircled]] [[?]] [[/encircled]]
op. page
[[/left margin written vertically]]
[[strikethrough]] 36 - 00 76 - 46 - 00
76 - 39 - 00
76 - 37 - 45
32 - 00 [[checkmark]] 76 - 52 - 00 [[checkmark]] ^[[111]]
h m 2
XII - 44 - 50 [[checkmark]] 76 - 24 - 00 [[checkmark]] ^[[104 1/4]]
Azimoth Compass Obs. [[?]] Index en.
By - Watch Double Alt. [[symbol]] By R. Sex.
11 - 55 - 40 [[checkmark]] 123[[degree symbol]] 77[[degree symbol]] - 00[[feet symbol]] - 00[[inch symbol]] [[checkmark]]
12 - 13 - 15 [[checkmark]] 117[[degree symbol]] 77 - 12 - 30 [[checkmark]]
20 - 00 [[checkmark]] 115[[degree symbol]] 77 - 08 - 45 [[checkmark]]
[[center page extending four lines symbol that appears to be question mark]]
24 - 30 [[checkmark]] 114[[degree symbol]] 77 - 03 - 45 [[checkmark]]
39 - 30 [[checkmark]] 108[[degree symbol]] 76 - 30 - 00 [[checkmark]]
47 - 00 [[checkmark]] 104[[degree symbol]] 76 - 37 - 45 [[checkmark]]
h m s
Xii - 55 - 00 [[checkmark]] 102[[degree symbol]] [[checkmark]] 75 - 58 - 00 [[checkmark]]