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1861 Apr 29 Mond.

Left Tangent 1st Island out in Frobisher Bay 5 miles distant  78°
R. Tangent  73
Middle Island N by C from above Island  67
R. Tangent Long Island N by compass of above  56
Left T.  62
Our return course from "Que-Zhine"  196°
Island where Annawa is x Oo-pung-ne-wing - (Innuit name)
Island NW of it (x) by Compass x Ni-an-ta-lik (Innuit name) x pronounced xNi-ou-te-ling
Island (E. of it (x) by C) Kod-lu-an x (Innuit name) Kod-lei-eer (E)

Name of little Innuit girl I saw in at Annawa's = Ne-ve-arch-arch-une
Name of man Sealer I saw there = Oo-ming-mung

The family at Sampson's settlement that were particularly attentive to me
Koo-Kin = Winga - his Mother Aged Che-lu-ar ping
Kun-ni-u = nuliana
Ar-choo-loo, little boy 3 y. old
Ti-ung-nung, little girl 6 y. old

Kun-ni-a wears a jacket trimmed off with an [[underlined]] Innuits [[/underlined]] taste!  Across the neck of her skin jacket is a fringe of beads - 80 pendants or strings of red, blue, black & white glass beads - 40 beads on each pendant on string.  Bowls of Britania tea & table spoons on the flap hanging in front - a row of [[underlined]] elongated lead shot [[/underlined]] around the border of the tail of the jacket - 6 pairs of Federal Coin of the United States of America - (* copper cents), various dates pendant down the width of the tail of her coat (jacket).  A huge Brass bell of an old fashion clock top of said Row.

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1861 Apr 29 Mond.

Little children Innuits who were around me while visiting at Koo-Kin & Kun-ni-a's:
Ar-nung = Little girl
Ti-ung-nung " " [[dittos for: Little girl]]
Oo-Koo-mar-le-Charng (do.)
Ar-che-lik-tou-young (do.)
Ar-che-lik-tou-young (boy)
Ik-Ker-e-ung = little girl
Puk-e-neg-gar " " [[dittos for: little girl]]
(Mam-me-ar che'-er) "Capa-tain" K. son

= Koo-Choo-ar-chao = "Sampson"
Knew-yer-lar-Ka-loo = nuliana
Puk-e-neg-gar = daughter (say 7 years old)
Nuk-er-tung = " [[ditto for: daughter]] 5 " " [[dittos for: years old]]

Kning-u-ar-bin = { Sampson & Kok-er-jabin's son.  Lives in same Igloo
Se-ko-lear (nuliana) {
Ou-pe-lar = child at the breast, 3 years old.


Ar-Kie-e-ung-nung  Son Ar-tark-pa-ru

[[note]] This record I find in small original Note Book of my trip to Oo-pung-ne-wing with Koo-jes-se.
[[quotation]] Island where An-na-wa is Oo-pung-ne-wing  The island next it (N.W.) Niartalik.  Another island where mast of the schooner was made x Kod luar x Ko-lu-an [[/quotation]]
This transcribed July 29th 1863 C F Hall [[/note]]