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1861 Friday May 10th

K[[?]]-ne-young (Charley) started after breakfast hour, for Oo-pung-ne-wing with dogs & sledge for a load of Walrus awaiting transport to this place.  He was accompanied by his nuliana ([[space]]), "Bob" (King-wat-che-ung) & [[space]] 

The weather this Eve indicates something encouraging in its way.  The Sun has shown itself for a few moments at a time this afternoon.  The wind has got around into the right quarter, N.W.  Every opportunity must be taken by the writer of this to employ his services in extending the knowledge of these unexplored coasts.  Not a moment should be lost.  O, that I had additional means for carrying out my plans & purposes!  I must however do as much - & the [[underlined]] best [[/underlined]] I can.

To-night, XI 1/2 o'clock, the application of Spirits & Turpentine to the tails of noisy dogs!  Its effective (?) remedy!  Capt B. always at his post prepared for any & many emergency!  The remedy will prove but temporary - dogs will be dogs, following the [[underlined]] Laws of their Nature, as surely as will Man his. [[/underlined]]

(1) Vide May 17 commencing near bottom column

Saturday, May, 11th 1861

A.M.  40°  28.50 at VI N.W. VII E. Light - pleasant Morn. slight Clouds
M  46  28.750 Light Cloudy since X AM
PM  34  28.700  Calm " [[ditto for: Cloudy]]

VII 1/2 AM - Well, we have pleasant weather at last.  How long it will continue we know not.  At 6 this AM, wind N.W. - in 1 hour changed to E.  This may prove the forerunner of another storm.

This Morning, Que-jes-se & his nuliana, Tu-nuk-de-lien, start for "Og-big-sier-ping" (Whale depot) with a team of 6 dogs taking along with him his tupic & appliances.  It is expected that Ebierbing & his nuliana, Tuk-oo-li-too will remove there also to-morrow of day succeeding.

This is the day I have purposed to see O-Ka-ju-ach-ge & Tuk-oo-li-too has promised to assist in my conversation with the 

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1861 Sat. May 10th

[[?]] lady.  I hope to be able [[?to]] [[?]] [[underlined]] important [[/underlined]] mother to record in a few hours.

(Original Notes)
X O'Clock on Cooper's Island in Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too Tupik.  Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too & Wonga (O) present.  Ebierbing says he recollects when a boy of seeing on an Island [[underlined]] near [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] on [[/underlined]] O-pung-ne-wing (the Island where Annawa is) Bricks & Coal.  At the time he knew not what these things were but when he & Tuk-oo-li-too visited England in 1855 he there saw Bricks & for the first time.  Coals he saw before going to Eng. on board English Whalers, though not till years after he 1st saw the articles named.  Ebierbing remembers well of playing with these bricks - piling them up in rows - into various forms as children will - of marking stones with them - highly delighted to see the [[underlined]] red [[/underlined]] markings this would leave on them.  He remembers of the Innuit women using these bricks for polishing - especially the Brass ornament worn on the head - ("Kar-oon" the name of the ornament).  He remembers also of hearing the Innuits tell him that many - a great many - (Ik-tangl-loong) years ago - ships came into the Bay - "Tin*-nu-jok-ping-goo-se-ong (Frobisher Bay) (*Tin-nu-jok-ping gou-se-ong)

(XI OClk AM) In the small tupik of (As the old lady pronounces her name) O-ku-ju-a-gu-ni-no.  Present Tuk-oo-li-too & said venerable Innuit & Oong-a (myself).
The name of the Island where the old lady says the ships once landed or the men of the ship -
Kog*-e-tel-ling (* Sound 1st g as in C[[?]]g")

Now (XI oclk AM) I have before the old lady the sketch chart drawn by Que-jes-se - have shown her Oo-Kood-lear;  Sing-eye-yer;  Knew-gum-mi-ooke, & traced along down through Bear Sound to Og-big-sie-bing - thence to Oo-pung-ne-wing, all of wh. she recognises - then asks the name of the Island where Koo-Koo-ar-cha (Sampson) is?
I reply:  "Ak-Koo-wie-shut-too-ping".  At this, with renewed warmth she replies:  That is where she has spent much of her life - many of her best days.
Now she communicates that the place