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berlain goes a-courting the fascist Mussolini. Lord save us from our saviors!

Let the South African native speak: robbed of his land, herded like cattle into segregated "native reserves," his movements restricted by pass and curfew laws. And the valiant strikers of Jamaica and Trinidad, and other West Indian Islands, fighting against poverty and the tyranny of the British absentee landlords-let them speak too!

Yes, these, the real bearers of "the white man's burden," can tell us a few things.

Let Austria speak. And Albania. Czechoslovakia. And bleeding, martyred Spain. If they could reach the front pages of the capitalist press, they'd have plenty to say about the way Chamberlain and Daladier defend democracy.

The people of France and England are learning fast that Hitler doesn't have full patent rights to fascism. Daladier "fights" for democracy by destroying French parliamentary government; by wiping out all gains of the People's Front; by putting his foot down on all opposition to the rule of the warmongers. The great Communist Party of France, expressing the will of the people for peace, has been brutally suppressed, its leaders hounded, its seventy-four representatives, elected by the French people, thrown out of the Chamber of Deputies. Anti-fascist refugees, who fled from the concentration camps of Hitler, have wound up in those of Daladier. Loyalist fighters for Republican Spain who sought refuge in France may be thrown right back into the arms of their executioner Franco. Some anti-fascist! Some faker!

And what of His Brittanic Majesty's Government? Democracy in Chamberlain's domain is also finding it hard sledding. Regular elections have ben postponed until "after the war." A whole list of so-called emergency decrees is being imposed, legalizing the gagging of free press, speech and assembly, all under the cover of war emergency.

I'm convinced: There are too many enemies of democracy


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in the "democratic" camp of this war against fascism. There's something phony going on.

One has got too be a fool or a cheat not to realize that the present war between Britain and France on the one hand, and Germany, on the other, is a war for colonies, sources of raw materials, for domination of overseas routes, for the enslavement of foreign peoples.

Sure, Hitler is but a tool of the big financial interests in Germany. But Chamberlain and Daladier are no less the stooges of the big bankers of London and Paris.

* * *

If a chief comes to your door while you sleep and meets another robber who has a head-start on your clothes and rent-money, they are likely to get into a pretty heated argument. Imagine the one who got there first preaching about your rights, as he tucks your radio under his arm. Imagine him getting sore and raising a general alarm. Picture him as he gets most of your furniture piled onto a truck that's waiting outside, then points to the second thief, and cries: "Look, he's about to take your necktie! Let's get him, or nobody in this neighborhood will be safe from now on!"

Would it be to your interest to take sides with either crook? Of course not! The thing to do would be to get your belongings and throw both of them out.

And that's the job of the Negro people and all the oppressed of the world in this war. Our interests demand that the criminal slaughter be stopped. We want peace and we want the robbers out of the way so they won't bother us any more.

We are tired of being robbed.

* * *

Let's go back to our thieving friends again. The fellow who came on the scene late demanded his cut. He had a right to it, he said, since they were both in the same game. But the first robber stuck to his guns; he wouldn't budge. And when the