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More Books and Pamphlets on the Negro Question

The Negro in the Civil War, by Herbert Aptheker...........    .10

Negro Slave Revolts in the United States - 1526 - 1860,
by Herbert Aptheker.......................................    .10

Negro Liberation, by James S. Allen.......................    .05

Anti-Semitism, the Fight for Democracy, and the Negro People
by James W. Ford..........................................    .03

Is Japan the Champion of the Colored Races?
by James W. Ford and Others...............................    .05


The Negro Question in the United States,
by James S. Allen.........................................   1.25

The Negro and the Democratic Front,
by James W. Ford..........................................   1.75

Reconstruction: The Battle for Democracy,
by James S. Allen.........................................   1.25

The Civil War in the United States,
by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels.........................   2.50


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