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it openly, they are in secret agreement with those who do. The leadership of both parties contains the real fifth columnists. 

But Negroes cannot agree to such a program, for the Negro people want peace, want to keep America out of war. The Negro people want jobs, economic security, civil liberties, passage of social legislation, such as the Anti-Lynching Bill. 

No, the answer is not in a return to support of either of these parties. The answer lies in independent political action of the people in 1940, aligned with labor, as expressed recently by Earl Browder, when he called for a People's Platform for Jobs, Peace, Civil Liberties. 

Such independent action will make the people's answer clear against the war and hunger budget of the Roosevelt Administration, against the policies of the Republicans who in effect give support to his policies. 

Such independent action can be a powerful force for support of progressive congressional candidates regardless of their party labels. 

This, coupled with day to day actions against America's entry into war, for peace, for social legislation, for an advanced standard of living, against step by step involvement policies of the Roosevelt Administration can be the means for making 1940 be symbolic of the people's will for peace and prosperity.

The only party which fights for the interests of all the people is the Communist Party. The only party which truly fights for the interests of the Negroes is the Communist Party. Vote Communist! Vote for Browder and Ford, its standard-bearers! For jobs, peace and civil liberties! Vote Communist! 

[bold]Historical Comparisons of Two Presidents
In 1917, too, the people of America had to make a choice on how best to keep America out of the war. 

Then, as now, Wall Street's profit-making men, under the guise of free trade, were pouring money and supplies into "little Belgium." Loans were followed with human security. 

The recent historical analogy is "Little Finland." Remember


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the headlines. For months the typewriter generals in Helsinki issued thousands of dollars' worth of ink, paper and type, in an eort (sic) to create the impression that here was a moral cause to be rightfully defended. Roosevelt and Hoover urged its defense with loans, with arms, and with a huge "Relief" campaign. 

Today there is peace in Finland. Today, the same press which threw you off your balance candidly admits its lies. Why the lies? Why the fakery? 

It was because the newspapers spoke the aims of the imperialists whom Roosevelt leads, who would drag America into war. There is peace in Finland because of the peace policy of the Soviet Union, which aims to defend its own borders, which aims to limit the sphere of World War, and establish peace. There is peace because the Finnish generals have become convinced that they were being used as pawns of the Allies against Germany. 

[bold]Herbert Hoover, Chief Egg in the Scramble of Finnish Relief [/bold]

The truth about the Finnish-Soviet conflict is most clearly understood when we look at the person who raised the most noise about it. Remember Hoover of "apple a day" fame? Well, Herbert Hoover was the chief egg in the scramble of Finnish relief. Hoover, who couldn't help the millions of Americans, Negro and white, who starved while he was President, headed the committee which raised loans and contributions for the "relief" of the Finns. What of the millions of Americans who are in need of relief today, Mr. Hoover? 

But Hoover was well interested in this cause. Hoover, together with Roosevelt and the imperialists of America and England, was responsible for egging Finland on to perform aggressive acts on the Finnish border, which resulted in the death of Red Army patrols there. 

Yes, Hoover hopes to add to his fame, his humanitarian efforts for the rich of Finland. But since we're talking of fame, let us not forget to give Hoover his due. He has one outstanding action to his credit, not often told. 

Hoover may have sent your grandmother, or my aunt on

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