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Young People Against the War

As a matter of fact young people are already doing some of these things. All the major organizations have gone on record against the war as an imperialist war. The American Youth Congress, the American Student Union, the United Student Peace Committee and the Southern Negro Youth Congress have taken such a stand in their resolutions. 

These anti-war resolutions of youth and of the Negro people are but reflections of the broad anti-war sentiments among the whole American people.

In Harlem, South Side of Chicago, and other communities, young Negro people have been active in declaring that they want no part of the European war. They have specifically pointed to the need for conducting a fight for civil rights, for jobs, democracy and peace. This is the only war that they are interested i, as was so ably demonstrated in the historical Third National Negro Congress when they rejected the path of the former progressive, A. Phillip Randolph to choose support--of reaction by supporting the Roosevelt Administration, by supporting anti-Soviet schemes by preaching segregation for the Negro--and chose instead the path toward working with labor, through Labor's Non-Partisan League, who has now agreed to make passage of the Anti-Lynching bill the first job of labor!

What You Can Do

You can help spread the truth as to what kind of war is being fought today. You can help to educate young people to the fact that the Roosevelt Administration, and the Republican Parties, twin parties of reaction are dragging America to war. You can help keep America out of war.

You will find that you are not alone in doing this, for right in your own community, you will find an organization, willing and ready to help you achieve this.

This organization is the Young Communist League, an organization of and for American young people, who look forward to a better future. There is no future in Flanders Field. All youth, regardless of race, creed, or color, belong to and are equals in this organization.


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The Young Communist League fights for the interests of the toiling youth and the working class. It fights against the imperialist war. It fights for the discrimination of Negro youth. It fights for the  economic betterment of Negro youth for jobs and security.

The League opposes all measures aimed at the militarization of the youth. It opposes the militarization of the C.C.C. camps, the extension of the R.O.T.C., especially on a compulsory basis: the proposed increase in the Army and National Guard, the M-Day plan. Its guiding slogan is:

"Not a Man, Not a Cent, Not a Gun for Imperialist War Preparations!"

We believe that our ideals can best be achieved by socialism, by establishing a new social order in which the working people will own and control all the vast natural resources and means of production, and use them for the benefit of all the people, instead of the few.

The Soviet Union - Home of Free Peoples

Look here, fellows and girls, this system called capitalism, with all of its talk of free enterprise is free, all right, but for the bankers and Wall Street, for the German bankers, for the Bank of England, for the French bankers. Can you dream what it would mean to have the worry of a job eliminated? What if it was law that your security, your job, was guaranteed? Then you could finish high school, college. Then you could marry, raise a family, get that coat, that radio, that library you always wanted. This is what the youth of the Soviet Union have because they live in a socialist society. That is why the bankers want to take it away from them.

All roads are open to youth of the Soviet Union.

There is no national or racial oppression in the Soviet Union and in the U.S.S.R. people of all nationalities, all colors, live as free and equal peoples.

All young people are guaranteed free education in the U.S.S.R. to the age of 18. Equal opportunity exists for all.

For millions of us darker peoples, for oppressed peoples