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throughout the world, the Soviet Union stands as a beacon of light, hope, truth!

While the majority of people in America today are not for socialism, they are willing to work in common with those who similarly desire such things as jobs, security, democracy and peace. That is why we Young Communists stand together with the majority of American youth-Negro and white, who desire above all PEACE, so that they can pursue the American dream of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Negro America remembers the false promises of the last war. They are saying The Yanks Are Not Coming.

The dream we mentioned earlier, can become a the coures of the struggle for these thing, we will learn that these can only be achieved and kept in a more permanent society-Socialism.

We support no dreams of war abroad. We go to the wars at home. For jobs and civil liberties. For democracy and freedom!

Jesse Clipper, Negro hero, died believing he was his share to make the world safe for democracy. If Jesse Clipper were alive today, he would again fight for democracy. He would do it,however, not by following the loans of Wall Street to another Flander Field, but by fighting for jobs, for relief, better housing, better health conditions-security for the people. We must make the world safe for democracy by making democracy safe for America. This is Jesse Clipper's dream now. We, the living, take our stand today on the side of Life and Peace!

Published by
P.O. Box 28 Sta. D
New York, N.Y.
July, 1940
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