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the Boxing Writers Association voted him as "the man who had done the most for the boxing game in 1940."

His example put to shame the "noisy traitors and bogus patriots" of whom President Roosevelt has spoken. Where Louis unites and strengthens our unity-these advocates of racial disunity and hatred divide and weaken the nation. They are doing the work of Hitler and Hirohito-the Quisling work of the fifth column.

With insulting, scurrilous attacks upon the Negro people, their newspapers and institutions, the poison-pen artist Westbrook Pegler spread the "race superiority" ideas of Hitlerism. Such filthy slanders have no place in American public life. Other defeatists work by other methods. Norman Thomas urges a "negotiated" Hitler "peace," distorts the aims of this war for freedom, and sows disunity among the United Nations, by slandering our British and Soviet allies. George Schuyler, columnist of the Pittsburgh Courier, labels this a "white man's war," ignoring the fact that millions of the colored peoples are fighting for their very existence against the Axis.

Neither the Thomases nor the Schuylers have called for the all-out mobilization of the Negro people behind the war against Hitler. Nor have they urged a single one of the measures necessary to take the offensive against Hitler-the opening of a Western Front in Europe, now!! Under the pretext that the main fight is at home they try to prevent the full mobilization of the Negro people to win the war. John L. Lewis, the Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, Martin Dies, Representative Howard Smith, Hoover, Gerald K. Smith, Lindbergh, as well as the Hearst press and all their kind, fight against an all-out effort to win the war. When they hold back all-out support to the war, they weaken the entire fight for democracy. By such policies, as well as by the effort to conceal the just and democratic character of this war, they directly aid Hitler in his war against our country. Such people-who by their actions are helping Hitler, though they may pretend to champion the Negro people-are in reality betraying them and their rights to their worst enemies.

Negro youth must reject these defeatists and false friends.


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The best and truest friends of the Negro people are the labor movement, and all patriotic citizens who want to win the war. All patriotic Americans must now more than ever, while rallying to their country's defense, take up the cudgels against the sowers of race prejudice, strengthen the unity of Negro and white, champion every just and necessary demand of the Negro people. Thus the anti-Hitler forces of America will advance the fight for full democracy to Negro citizens as part of the fight for victory.

Among those in the forefront of the fight are the Communists. The Party of Earl Browder and James W. Ford, and the Young Communist League are fulfilling their pledge to give their "full energy, devotion, their last drop of blood, their lives" for victory in this war. By fighting today for full participation of the Negro people in the war effort, the Communists are continuing the historic struggle for full equality of the Negro people exemplified in the Scottsboro and Herndon cases. We Young Communists believe in and practice full equality for the Negro youth. Our organization fights for and serves the nation in every phase of the war effort. As part of the fight for victory this pamphlet is addressed to all youth, Negro and white. Every young man and woman must heighten participation in the war effort so that we can win victory, which is possible this year, 1942. By buying war stamps and bonds, by participation in the salvage campaigns, in the blood-donor drive of the Red Cross, the U.S.O., by raising food for victory-in short, by doing all the things that help strengthen morale and speed victory.


"I hope my next fight will be in no-man's land with Max Schmeling," said Joe. All Americans join Joe in this hope. For that's where the real kayo will come against Hitler. Joe is not only a knockout artist. He is an able boxer and recognized