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[[drawing of dagger]] May, 12th 1861
[[small table entries]]
AM  36[[degree sign]] 28,700 W. (Light) Cloudy  
M   52[[degree sign]] 28,625 W.    "       " [[ditto Light Cloudy]]
PM  35[[degree sign]] 28,725 E. [[strikethrough]]E.[[/strikethrough]] blowing [[Mult.gale?]] ([[threatning?]]))
[[/small table entries]]

At VII O'clk This Morning, the 1st Boat with crew was started off for Og-bien-seen-o-ping. This crew is [[Thoyrenis?]] [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] He has been living several weeks at (U.) whale depot in Ig-luo. Keeney (Charly) was in command. Of course it will not be thought [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] water was the element in wh. this Boat moved off. The Boat was [[hauled?]] simply in the sledge wh was 12 feet long Sixteen dogs - Sharkey the dog-driver - to return to-night In the boat were the sleeping [[grun?]] of the crew with their complement of clothing. The foundation for travelling not the best - snow soft & wet.
The limping [[Cook?]] among the party.
To-morrow night (12 o'clock Midnight) [[Launch?]] his Boat & Boat's crew start off for same place.
Operations are now in earnest for a general move. Capt B expects to go the last of the week. This afternoon (1 o'clock) wind changed to the East blowing strong. Indications of bad weather.

[[Luk-ou-li-tin?]] has spent a portion of the day with me on board "G. Henry" for the object of learning me the correspondence & the difference of the Innuit words as in Parry's Vocabulary (2nd Voyage) & that of words used around these [[Coasts?]]. As we proceede with said Vocabulary I indicate said correspondences & differences opposite the words:
The nobleness of this [[native?]] - this "Daughter of the North" as exhibited to-day (t) She shines out like a Creature of Light.
The proposal - the indignant resentment! this [[Wo?]] unto him of this generation of [[underline]] viking [[/underline]]! - the chastisement! Let her [[virtues?]] her memory - be measured by the Good everywhere.

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Monday, May 13th 1861
[[small table entries]]
AM  31[[degree sign]] 28,775
M   34[[degree sign]] 28,825
PM. 28[[degree sign]] 28,875.
      (AM N.E. Mod.gale  Mist, cloudy
Winds (M  NE    "    "    "      " [[ditto for Mod. gale Mist cloudy]]
      (PM N.E. Fresh     Fair
[[/small table entries]]

Sharkey returned from Og-bien-seen-o-ping (Whale depot) this morn with sledge & dogs.
As [[Luk-ou-li-tin?]] came aboard this morn to breakfast, he informed me that his [[winga?]] [[Ebirnliny?]] was sick & desired I would come over & see him. I went over, of course, - found that he had spent a painful, sleepless night. The complaint is of pains in back & side. I proceeded to chafe the effected parts with my hand moistened [[very?]] [[warm?]] & then with "Pain Killer". The great exertions made - & the exposure to the rain of the night he travelled in moving [[Kood-lin?]] & family - his grandmother etc, [[even?]] time since, [[produced?]] his present [[prostration?]]. [this till
Game chequers with Sharkey's Nu-li-an-a - I found her an excellent player - nearly my match! On completing said game, succeeded in getting Capt B. engaged in a game with her. They had a long game but the Capt. as [[nend?]], came out victor.

15 Min of 3 P.M. For the last half hour, I have been confering with my friend & co-worker, Capt. Budington, relative to the exploration of the Coast from [[strikethrough]][[out on?]][[/strikethrough]] the [[eastern?]] side of Budlington Bay around said Bay down to this ("Rescue Bay") thence around this - around to the S.E. extension of the tongue of land Be. Frobisher Bay & Rescue Bay, thence around Frobisher Bay to Resolution Island. I find in him what I have always found - a friend to the achievement of whatever [[tends?]] to the benefit of man. So are as he expressed himself, I am to receive all the co-operative aid in his power to extend me. If I am able to send home to the States a chart of the regions indicated above, I know the Geographic World will feel to extend to Capt. B: its warmest congratulations that he has not withheld his hand & heart from