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[[underlined]] "Supplement" [[/underlined]] Saturday May 25/61
It may be anticipated ^[[(& truthfully so)]] that the News of these Innuits from Se-Ko Selar gives me much - [[underlined]] very much [[/underlined]] pleasure. Knowing that I can converse with them relative to their regions[[guess]] - the country there in the ices of Fox Channel etc. etc. Of course it is at this point I make my turn from Hudson's Strait to the North up "Fox Channel to "his Farthermost". I here give the names of the Innuits that arrived to night - Kus-see-e-young, Winga
-An-nu-tik-en-tung, Nuliana
-Arng-mer-chee-eong, Koo-Kin's brother. There are a fine set. In the vigor of life, [[strikethrough]] ent [[/strikethrough]] energetic & sociable. 
I have made arrangements with the 2 men 

Transcription Notes:
Needs appropriate underscoring.