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1861 July 13 Sat.

Looking Northerly [[?ing]] Vessel Westerly Center Vessel to Peak Budington Mt.  21°-20'
Left Tangent Look Out Isd. to R.T. 23°-55'
Left tangent " " " [[dittos for: Look Out Isd.]] Easterly to Point of land (N. Side R. Bay)  16°-37'

Equal Altitudes of the [[symbol: Sun]]
Chro. AM | P.M.
h m s | h m s
1-29-00' 74°-30' | VIII-01-08
  31-35  75-00 | VIII-58-40
  33-00  75-15 |     -57-25
  34-10  75-30 |     -56-10 
  35-25  75-45 |     -54-55 
  36-38  76-00 |     -53-46
  38-00  76-15 |     -52-27
7) 237-48 | 7) 55-34-32
h1-m33-s58.3 Mean | 7-56-21.71
- | 1-33-58.30
- | Difference is elapsed Time 6-22-23.41
- | Sum 2) 9-30-20.01
- | Middle Time = 4-45-10.005
- | + 10.833
- | h4-m45-s20.838 Time by Rescue Chro. at Apparent Noon Rescue Harbor
- | 4-20 = Long 65°-00'-[[?00]]
- | Frost on A. T.  25-20.838
- | Sub. Eq = 5-25.814
- | R. Chro. Fast on MT. = 17-55.024
[[note]] Vide 2d from this (R)

Dec 13th  21°-49' 00"
14th  21-40-01

Dec 13th = 21°-49'-00" ,4
1-37 ,3
Corrected D. 21°-47-23" Cotangent

[[underlined]] 4 1/3 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] 8980 [[/underlined]]
60) 9728
[[underlined]] 60 [[/underlined]]

Constant Log  8.8239 = 8.239
(Lat. 62°-52' N.) Cotangent 9.7096  10,3983
Elapsed Time h6-m22-s23.41 = Sine = 9.8697T = 10.0425
Elapsed Time (6-22-23.4) P.L.  1.4510 = 1.4510
Variation Declination
8'-59" P.L. [[underlined]] 1-3018 = 1.3018 [[/underlined]]
1st part +12"-34"' = P L 1560  2.0175
-1-44  2d Part
+10"-50"'  1"-44"'
60( +10".833

Eq. m5-s24.57
[[underlined]] 1.244 [[/underlined]]
Con Eq  5-25.874

[[underlined]] 4. 1/3 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] 1148 [[/underlined]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Supplement July 13th, 1861, Saturday

Working up Meridian Obs.

By Artil Horizon | App. Time | *Numbers | Index Error -1-30 Large Sex.
Obs. Alt. [[symbol: Sun]] | from Noon | Table XXXIII | Declination
97°-20'-15" | m3-s41 | *13.6 | 21°-49'-00".4
20-30 | 0.01 | *0.0 | 4 1/3 hours 1-37.28
- | - | - | 21°-47'-23".12
20-00 | 5-22 | *28.8 | [[symbol: Sun]]s SD 15'-46" 
17-45 | 9-14 | *85.3 | [[underlined]] Px 06 [[\underlined]]
16-15 | 11-54 | *140.4 | 15"-52"
13-30 | 15-34 | 232.3 | -
[[underlined]] 08-45 [[/underlined]] | 18-35 | [[underlined]] 345.4 [[/underlined]] | -
[[underlined]] 7) 117-00 [[/underlined]] | - | [[underlined]] 7) 845.8 [[/underlined]]
97-16-43 | - | 120.83
[[underlined]] -1 30 [[/underlined]] Index Error sub. | - | [[underlined]] 1".25 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] 2) 97-15-13 [[/underlined]] | - | 60) 151". (+2'-31")
48-37-37 | - | [[underlined]] 120 [[/underlined]]
[[symbol: Sun]]s S.D. & Px 15-52 | - | 31"
[[underlined]] Ref. 50 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Correction +2'-37" [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] 90-00-00 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] 21-47-23 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] 62°-52'-13" Lat. N. [[/underlined]]

per h
[[underlined]] 4 1/3 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] 8980 [[/underlined]]
60) 97.28 (-1'-37")
[[underlined]] 60 [[/underlined]]

The Time  h at A'p Noon h4-m45-s21 obtained from the opposite pages Double [[?Hts]]

Times by Chro Merid. Obs. | Time by Chro. at App. Noon R.H. | Appt. Time from Noon
h m s | h m s | m s
IV-41-40 | 4-45-21 | 3-41 Before Ap. Noon
IV-45-20 | 4-45-21 | 0-01 " " [[dittos for: Before Noon]]
IV 50-43 | 4-45-21 | 5-22 After " [[ditto for: Noon]]
IV 54-35 | 4-45-21 | 9-14 " " [[dittos for: After Noon]]
IV 57-15 | 4-45-21 | 11-54 " " [[dittos for: After Noon]]
V 00-55 | 4-45-21 | 15-34 " " [[dittos for: After Noon]]
V 03-56 | 4-45-21 | 18-35 " " [[dittos for: After Noon]]

h4-m45-s21 = Time Chro.
[[underlined]] 0-00-00 [[/underlined]] = App. Noon R.H.
Chro. Fast 4-45-21 on Ap. Time R.H.

[[underlined]] 15'-34" [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] 18'-35" [[/underlined]]