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1861 July 21 [[symbol: cross]]

(On Whale Island)
Meridional Obs.

h m s | - | (By [[symbol: Sun]] Az. Compass
IV-32-15 | 94°-12 30" | -
   35-45 |     31-30 | -
   38-55 |     33-45 | 120.5
   42-00 |     33-15 | 120
   45-15 |     36-45 | -
   47-45 |     36-45 | 119
   49-20 |     36-15 | 118.5
   51-55 |     36-00 | 117
   54-30 |     35-00 | 116

Large Sex.
On 33'
Off 30'
-1'-30" Subtraction

P.M. Obs.
h m s | -
+VII-23-45 | +79°-15'
+    25-08 | +79 -00
+VII-26-35 | +78 -45

[[note]] Equal AM Obs. Alts [[symbol: Sun]] below the lines [[/note]]
[[double underlined]]
- | - | h m s from Ante page
+VII-27-55 | +78-30 | = 2-04-25 
+    29-15 | +78-15 | = 2-03-03
+    30-43 | +78-00 | = 2-01-40
+    32-07 | +77-45 | = 2-00-25
+    33-28 | +77-30 | = 1-55-55
+    36-15 | +77-00 | = 1-56-12
6)  189-43 | 9(704-00 | 12-01-40
VII-31-37.1 | = 78°-13'-20" = for Supplement used in working Equal Alts. Obs. | 2-00-16.67 (For Working up See Supplement)
= h67-m25-11

hVII-m41-s50 [[symbol: Sun]] L.L. to Peak "A" west side 1st Channel Ex Land = 95°-00'
VII-44-30 [[symbol: Sun]] L.L. " " " " " " [[dittos for: to Peak "A" west side 1st Channel]] = 95°-37'
VII-46-55 | 75°-00'
VII-48-00 | [[symbol: Sun]] to Peak A. as above = 96°-17'
VII-49-35 | 74°-30'
    50-50 | 74° 15
    52-10 | 74°-00
VII-54-15 | [[symbol: Sun]] to Peak A as above 97-45
VII-55-55 | 73°-15' 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

1861 July 21 + [[Sunday]]

P.M. Obs. for Variation &c. On Whale Isd.

hVIII-m00-s05 | 72°-15' | Az. Compass 58°.5
        3- 35 | 71 -45 | " " [[dittos for: Az. Compass]] 58°
        6- 00 |    -15 | " " [[dittos for: Az. Compass]] 57
        8- 25 | 70 -45 | " " [[dittos for: Az. Compass]] 56.5
       11- 00 |    -15 | " " [[dittos for: Az. Compass]] 55.75

VIII-13-40  [[symbol: Sun]] L.L. to Peak "A" as described  102°-12'
VIII 15 25 | 69°-20'

VIII-17-45  [[symbol: Sun]] L.L. to George T. Jones Tower  83°-27'
VIII-19-45 | 68°-25'
VIII-21-45  [[symbol: Sun]] L.L. to George T. Jones Tower  84°-17'
VIII-24-07 | 67°-30'

VIII-26-35  [[symbol: Sun]] L.L. to French Head  66°-26'
VIII-28-35 | 66°-35'
VIII-29-40  [[symbol: Sun]] L.L. to French Head  66°-53'
VIII-31-35 | 65°-55' (For Va 51)

VIII-33-50  [[symbol: Sun]] to Peak "Look Out"  72°-34'
     35-45 | 65-00
     37-10 | 64-45
     38-16 | 64-30
     39-21 | 64-15 = (for Va. 49°.5)
VIII-41-15  [[symbol: Sun]] L L to Peak "Look Out"  73°-57'
     42-50 | 63°-30' (For Va. 49°)

Bearings by Az. Compass
George T. Jones Tower  136° - reversed 318°
Peak Look Out  120°  " [[ditto for: reversed]] 301°.5
Peak "A" W. side 1st Channel Ex  160° " [[ditto for: reversed]] 341°
French Head 114° " [[ditto for: reversed]] 114°

Transcription Notes:
[[symbol: cross]] = Sunday