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1861 July 29 Mond.

who knew their lives are endangered by this Ankoot that will even execute [[underlined]] their reward [[/underlined]] upon this evil doer.

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Compared Chronometers
 - | h m Beats
R's | VIII-16-09 (2
G.H. | VIII-00-00
Difference | = = 15-04.5 [[checkmark]]
- | m. s.

[[line across page]]

At 1/2 past 2 P.M. Mate Rogers started back from the point where he left his Boat load of "ship's stuff" & where are Gardiner, Lamb & the 2 Boats Crews.  A fleet of Boats is yet to come.  He expects to return to the vessel to-night, & supposes that the others will accompany.  Koo-jes-se & the other Innuits did not come up yesterday.  They are expected to-day.  They (the Innuits) are to bring up in a Whale Boat all their Tupiks & "traps", wives & children.
Capt. B. told me to-day that he thought it probable he should start with "George Henry" for Frobisher Bay to-morrow.  In that case I get my things in readiness this P.M. & to-night to live an Innuit life with the Innuits for the next few months.  In a short time - say within two or 3 days I with my native crew

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1861 July 29 Mond.

depart for the exploration of Frobisher Bay.  May it be that I shall return with such success as I hope for.  God willing & helping, I shall go to the head of Frobisher Bay before I return - perhaps shall also cross over to Kin-gaite land of [[strikethrough]] eternal [[/strikethrough]] ice-everlasting - mountains of ice!
Before VI this eve, Rogers with loaded boat & crew returned.  He says that Lamb & Gardiner with their laden boats & cornmash will be home to-night.  The way has opened since R. 1st came up so that the passage is now made by open water.  Were L. & G. here, Capt. B. would up anchor & start at once.  I am gathering up what I intend to take on my exploring expedition & taking the same over to Whale Island.  Tuk-oo-li-too, Kood-loo & his noo-li-an-a were brought over from the Island this P.M. - the former says that her wong-a (E.) is very sick & was so through the night.  I visited him this eve & found him prostrate with (what I think) Pleurisy the result of his exposure to wind & rain on the late trip with R. up F. Bay.

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