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1861 Aug. 2d Thurs.

to do justice to the work I have before me.
This plan I think will meet the approbation of Capt. B. if he has given up all idea of going around into Frobisher Bay.  I can probably do up my work in F.B. in month or less.  By 3d or 4th Sept. I will (D.V.) be able to get back thus being on time for the Innuit crew to co-operate with Capt. B's men in Whaling.
The wind is blowing fresh from E. which will allow I & Kood-loo to scud along over to the vessel in brief space of time.
At this moment, h8-m36 A.M., Sharkey & his boat's crew of young Innuits have arrived from the vessel.  They spent the night on the ship.  I have been down to meet them on landing expecting some word - [[underlined]] at least a greeting word from Capt. B. [[/underlined]] - but no fulfilment of my, perhaps unreasonable expectation.  From [[?E-e-u-ar-ping]] I learn that a harbor has been found where the Upper Village was last winter - that Capt. B. designs making anchorage there as soon as weather will permit.

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1861 Aug 2d Thurs.

"Sharkey" - (Kar-ning) has come over to get the Innuits he brought here on the day the vessel left this harbor.  He is now engaged putting aboard Tupiks & all accommanyments to an Innuit house-hold.
Where a vessel is there the Innuits decongregate.
The weather is thick & unpropitious.  No provision of the Innuits acquisition is on hand.  Nor have they had any chance to acquire any for several days on account of the character of the ice & weather.
I have been dealing out with a husbanding hand my provisions to Kood-loo & family & Ebierbing & family as well as "tit-bits" to the little ones of others that happened in.
Oo-Kood-lean who was also at the vessel last night says that Ang-e-Koo (sounding as in Angler) (An-nu-ar-ping who is the one in pursuit of Koo-jes-se's & other Innuits' wives was at the vessel yesterday - that on arriving opposite there not being able to get aboard otherwise a Boat was sent out for him.
At X A.M. Kar-ming with his command at the town save Kood-loo & Ebierbing's families departed for the upper village spot.  At XI A.M.