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1861 Aug 2 Fri

unable to draw the Boat up above the reach of it when high.  This causes me to spend this rain storm night on the watch for the preservation of the Boat.  In the morning all hands save sick Ebierbing will turn & assist in drawing boat up.
While on the "George Henry to-day I saw "Jim Crow", Sharkey, Koo-jes-se & "Charley" all Innuits.  I heard some words while there that are a mystery to me.  Can it be possible that the Ange ko (Anuarping has been hunted down & shot like a dog?  I heard mutterings sometime ago among the Innuits that if he did not cease his attempts to steal away their wives that they would execute punishment upon him.  I have yet to learn of the mystery (to me) that hung like a pall over this!

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5th Night in Tupik
Saturday Aug. 3rd 1861
AM    E. Rain
P.M.     S.E. fresh - cloudy

Last night a stormy one the rain descending at times in torrents & wind blowing furiously.  Every now and then I enveloped myself in oil-cloth-suit & went down to watch the condition of Boat.  The tide would be up sufficent to draw it upon the beach by Morning so at XI of last night I turned in.
At 2 AM I was aroused by sleepless Ebierbing who said that heard the tarrio (sea) making a noise all the same as running water - meaning a heavy sea was beating upon the shore.  I lifted myself up from my place where I was having cat-naps & went down to the Boat - found it in a precarious state - hastened up to the Tupiks &  aroused "all hands" (wh. means Kood-loo & the ladies of the 2 Tupiks) to turn out & aid me in placing Boat above the reach of the Sea.  Midst rageing storm we accomplished this work after hard

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