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1861 Aug 7 Wednes. 

At h8-m14 AM started for the vessel under oars. Had not proceeded far out of Rescue Harbor before we stopped for a Seal that lifted its head in our course.  15 minutes spent trying to get a shot but of no avail.  Went on saw another do. do.  A flock of ducks flew over just ahead of us Kood-loo pulled trigger but the cap only cracked.  Another Kood-loo failure.  I short time, a single duck flew close to K. fired - but failed again in hitting the game tho' gun this time responded to the pull.  As we went up, tide was ebbing, thus making double work in oaring to the G.H.  Some time before reaching the vessel saw Capt. B. on the Quarter deck looking out at my approach.  Aboard my crew Kood-loo, Suzhy ([[space]]), Jennie Kood loo's wife (the Angekoo) OoKood-lear & Suzhy's daughter companion of OoKoodlear
Course to vessel N by compass distance about 3 miles.  Capt. B. warmly welcomes me - takes in hand my rifle & before I am up the G.H. side brings down a piece of tow line hanging at yard arm.
All hand engaged busily at ship's duty wh. at present seems to be on the sails & rigging Capt. B. has an apt faculty of keeping his men always busy - will start out his men cruising for Whales in Rescue Bay next Monday.  The new Boats ashore receiving a coat of paint -

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1861 Aug. 7th Wednes. 

Tho' the paint is white yet when on a few minutes the Boats become sable - almost black as Ember. The change is almost wonderful!  It can hardly be from the Seal oil with which the white lead is mixed, (a new discovery by Capt. B.)  I near approach determines the cause.  The swarms of Mosquitoes that are attracted to the paint - getting their feet entangled in it & finally becoming defunct remaining both erect & with spread wings covering nearly whole surface of Boat with their blackness.  Really the paint might by entitled "Mosquito paint".
While at Whale Island a heavy Sea has prevailed yet none in the harbor where G H now is.
While in the little Aft Cabin of G.H. 1/4 past 11 A.M. Capt. B. consented to let me have Koo-per-new-kung (Charley) & Koo-jes-se.  With These & their wives I can complete my crew & be off at once.  My joy was great at the proposal