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1861 Aug 11 +
3d Enc  3d day out

as legs urged on by desperation would allow me.  Before I continue my notes of retreat from mountain top I must give record of [[underlined]] The Ni-noo hunt! [[/underlined]]
While pulling direct for Oo-pung-ne-wing - or rather with the intention of rounding it to make for Ni-oun-te-lik where I desired to stop & search for relics of Frobisher's Expedition of 1578, Koo-jes-se took up the spy glass directing it to various Islets lying off S.E. & S. of Oo-pung-ne-wing 1 & 2 miles distant from Oo-pung-ne-wing.  At last he cried out [[underlined]] Ni-noo! Ni-noo!! [[/underlined]]  This was enough to make every Innuit happy for of all game that they delight in [[underlined]] Ni-noo is the Chief. [[/underlined]]  I took the glass & saw this 'Lion of the North' lying down & apparently asleep.  At once I took Koo-jes-se's place at the steering oar while he, Kood-loo & Koo-per-neu-ung proceeded to load with Ball their double barrel guns (by the by, Kood-loo's is a single barrel) & in the mean time the female portion of the crew pulling at the oars as noiselessly & hard as they could.  Everything in readiness, each one was in requisition urging the Boat as fast as possible.  When the Ni-noo was 1st sighted we were distant from it two miles; Time by Chro hVI-m22.  When within 1/2 mile, Ni-noo saw us, raised itself on his haunches, looked around, then at us & off Ni-noo started.  At once the men Innuits set up hideous noises that arrested Ninoo at its course causing it to stop - turn around.  This was the object Innuits had in view so that we might gain time in the chase now began.  But the stay of Ni-noo was brief - fleeing over the Island & disappearing quickly.  Now followed strong pulling the boat shooting forward, [[underlined]] a la [[/underlined]] steam boat.  On rounding the point of the Islet on wh. we had seen Ni-noo discovered it far ahead of us swimming direct for Oo-pung-ne-wing.  The Innuits resumed their loud shouts keeping it up constantly.  Every now & then the object of our pursuit would

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1861 Aug 11 +
3d Enc  3d day out

wheel around its huge form to take a look at us.
Finding we were gaining on him, he altered his course striking out directly for the midst of the Bay.  On the board bounded a heavy sea prevailing.  We could gain but little after Ninoo altered his course for he seemed to act on the sentiment that his life was in jepordy & that he would play the fool no longer by stopping & looking back just because he heard a noise!  Certainly the Ni-noo made full 4 Knots for hour during our pursuit.  Finally Ni-noo bent his course S. Easterly.  This allowed us an opportunity to cut across, heading it.  When within shooting distance, Koo-per-neu-ung made a shot but not an effective one - then Kood-loo do.  Koo-jes-se followed, wounding Ni-noo in the head.  Polar bear shook his head, turned his course from down the Bay to the opposite direction.  The effective shot not only wounded but enraged the animal.  Every now & then he would take a momentary look at us, shaking his head.  The Innuits were now [[underlined]] very cautious [[/underlined]] about making the distance between Ni-noo & us any less.