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1861 Aug 13 Tues

to an Island a few miles beyond this place.
All the old women that I described in my journal of that night I have again met.  They were hearty in their welcomings to me to-night.  My visit to-night to see sick Ook-juk-allo - the information I had shortly before derived made me think he had left with Took-too party.  I called at the tupik wh. proved to be Ook-juk-allo's because I heard groans there & felt to do something for the sufferer.  My surprise at the answer when I asked the name of the one sitting before me.  So changed was Ok-juk that I did not know him.  Had fine chat with him tho' he was & is sick.  Also with his wife.  The monuments of stone.  One of peculiar shape something like a Cross 6 feet high.  The natives feasted here with our Ni-noo!  Not a sealer or hunter that is able to go out on account bad health.  Ook-juk all-lo & the only 2 Huskies - both sick.
How they all manage to live I can hardly see - yet they look healthy - & fat.
The scene for a picture! my going to Koo-jes-se's Tupik for oil Ook-sook for my lamp.  Kood-loo & Charley hunt around - find seal blubber - bring it in & give it to Koo-ou-le arny who was in Took-too abed.  Of course, she as is custom with her people, was naked but she rose up on her elbows & proceeded 

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1861 Aug 13 Tues.

to bite off pieces of Blubber chewing & sucking the oil out of them then spirting out the same into a little cone-like dish made by inverting the bottom of my tin lamp wh. had become loose from the reservoir part of the lamp.  In this way Koo-ou-le-arny tried out in her "Dental Mill" in less than 2 minutes oil enough to fill 2 large sized lamps.  Kood-loo & Koo-per-neu-ung standing up in the Tupik at the time, myself seated with Ak-Chuk-er-zhan at my right on Tuk-too by her head waiting for lamp, while Koo-jes-se with his sweet partner, Tu-nuk-de-lien, were at my left wrapped in Innuit slumbers!
It was a novel sight to see Koo-ou-le-arny's operations in trying out oil,! particularly that part of it where the ladies wear what Burn's calls "[[?Two]] drifted heaps [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] sae fair to see".  They were, as Innuit women's always are, of huge dimensions hanging down almost as if in competition in appearance with a Cow's bay!  The whole scene tho' a marked one to me, was taken by the Innuits as if of an every day affair.  One peculiarity - the Innuits have great skill in trying out oil in this way, by chewing & sucking, without getting a particle of moisture in contact with the oil!!  The lamp now burns brightly allowing me to write up my Diary with great facility!