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1861 Aug 27 Tues
5th Day 12th Enc 19th Day Out

PM Obs fo Time &c
All [[symbol: Sun]] Altitudes by Large Sex.  In Er -1'-38.5"

h m s | - | [[symbol: Sun]]'s bearing by Az C.
VII-47-22 | 56°-30' | 66.5
    50-19 | 56-00
    51-52 | 55-45
    53-13 |    30 | 64.5 [[symbol: triangle]]
    54-37 |    15
    56-10 | 55-00 | 64.° [[symbol: triangle]]
    57-38 | 54-45
    59-02 |    30 | 63°.5
VIII-00-23|    15
     02-00| [[symbol: Sun]] to Bluff Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a  101°-40
      3-12| 53°-45'
      4-55| [[symbol: Sun]] to same  102°-27'
      5-58| 53°-15'
      8-17| [[symbol: Sun]] to same  103°-10'
     10-07| [[symbol: Sun]] to " [[ditto for: same]]  103°-37'
     12-10| [[symbol: Sun]] to " [[ditto for: same]]  104°-09'
     14-21| 51°-45'

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1861 Aug 27 Tues
5th Day 12th Enc 19th Day Out

PM Obs fo Time &c
h m s | - | -
VIII-14-21 | 51°-45' | 59.5
     15-47 |     30
     17-08 |     15
     18-29 | 51-00
     19-48 | 50-45
VIII-22-25 | 50°-15'
VIII-25-04 | 49°-45'
     25 30 |    -40
     25-57 |    -35
VIII-31-34 | 48°-30'
     32-07 |     25
     32-38 |     20

On   33'-15"
Off  30 -00
   3) 3 -17
      1 - 38.5