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1861 Aug 31 Sat.
14th Enc. 23d Day Out

The Point or Cape proper (above) where it commences high & Bluff  [[checkmark]] 279°
13th Encampment  [[checkmark]] 116°
Northerly Point of the Group (3) of Islands around Bay on wh. (Bay) is 13th Enc. Distant 2 miles  [[checkmark]] = 240°
A "Headland" that we shall pass as we proceede to Ag-goun.  Left hand side K-gaite side perhaps 3 or 4 miles to it = [[checkmark]] 327°
Right angle across the Channel bet. Island now on & Kin-gaite (about -) 52°

This last Point of Obs. I came across Koo-jes-se who was seeking sight of took-too.  We proceeded together toward the place where we left the Boat.  The Island has much vegetation upon it - especially Rein-deer moss wh. abounds throughout these regions the ground here & thing almost everywhere being completely carpeted with it.  As we descened the side hill leading to Boat found the lady portion of crew with tin cups Bluberry picking - catching up a hand full now & then for the berries were very large & numerous.  I & Koo-jes-se passed on to Boat.  Koodloo & Kooperneuung had returned.  Soon the blue berry party came aboard with their quarts of luscious fruit with which they entertained us very agreeably.  How this scene - the eating of this Home luxury carried me admist friends 

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1861 Aug 31 Sat.
14th Enc. 23d Day Out

of my early days!
Here we are hIX-m45 Chro (h4-m45 PM) where we landed 2 1/2 hours since.  Indeed large bodies move slow.  The new arrangement do not seem to work.  The Ki-a has not yet returned to 13th Enc. for we can distinctly see the othr Boat still in wait, but now we start having had a capital 'set-to' with quarts of fine Bluberries found growing on this Island.  Just this moment Koo-per-neu-ung shot at a Now-yer on the wing going over our heads.  It continued on its course crossing the channel;  when 1/2 way over down it falls like a stone into the water - [[underlined]] splash! [[/underlined]]
Now hX Chro (5 PM) & the other boat just under way.  They probably sight Ki-a & Ning-u-ar-ping.
A few minutes later -
O, Innuits - [[underlined]] You will ever be Innuits! [[underlined]]  We are now going [[underlined]] 33 feet per 4 seconds [[/underlined]] under "Ash-breeze" - & where?  Toward 13th Encpt.  For What?  Koo-jes-se sighting with his Spy a few moments ago toward 13th Enc. announced to us that Miner & party had a Took-too