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1861 Sep 2d Mon
15th Enc.  2d Day  25th Day Out

in making these kind of shots.
The next game sighted was a [[underlined]] Snow White Owl [[/underlined]] - the symbol of old Athens!  Koo-jes-se stopped - & we all stopped - the former withdrew my rifle from its rain proof covering & carefully proceeded to do his best to get a shot.  Owl was [[strikethrough]] down [[/strikethrough]] on one of the grass plains, a little distance from an embankment - a grass slope at the base of wh. we were.  As Koo-jes-se raised his head for a sight of this type of Wisdom & thought, the same, [[underlined]] wisdom-like [[/underlined]] raised itself on its wings & flew beyond reach - crossed the river & alighted far off.
When we arrived at 15th Enc. found that Koo-per-neu-ung had taken "Mr. Miners" Ki-a & gone out sealing.  He returned short time after we did, saying that he had shot an Ook-gook up the river near the Falls & left it there till to-morrow when he will go up & tow it down.  This makes two Ook-gook of my party's acquisition - both shot by Koo-per-neu-ung.  Two Took-too & 1 Ook-gook to-day!

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1861 Sep 2 Mon
15 Enc.  2d Day  25th D. Out

Soon as I returned, made complete change of clothing for dry.  As Koo-jesse's Kod-lins were saturated, I supplied him with an old pair of pants.
I may have stated it, but whether so or not, will now do so that we arrived back hVII-m30 P.M.  I cannot stop to read what I write.
The storm has driven old Allokee & his Koo-[[strikethrough]] mung [[/strikethrough]] munk from his diminutive, open-front Tupik to ours.  He & she are therefore our guests! - at least to-night - probably as long as storm continues.
To-day found some more specimens of fossils at the Falls.
The two rein-deer I find - rather I learned this when Koo-jes-se met me & his noo-loo-an-a at the Falls - were both shot by Kood-loo.  He 1st shot the 'child' deer - the mother hastened to the Relief of her "darling", when this gave ample opportunity for another good shot.  The Doe was killed beside its offspring.  A shrewd people these Innuits - taking advantage of the instinctive love they (the rein-deer)