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1861 Sep 4 Wedns
15th Enc.  4th D.  27th D. Out

the quantity of water & changed my love from a cup of Coffee to tea as I knew Twer-oong in her irremediable sickness - Consumption - liked tea, but did not relish Coffee.  I became Cook & Steward (& [[underlined]] sick [[/underlined]] at that) at once putting in tea & steeping it - then I went to Tupik selected some bread & molasses - the latter for tea sweetening intending to finish my breakfast with Twer-oong.  Before I got everything ready, Twer-oong came along over the rocky ledge where I was doing up "house affairs" according to my own way of thinking in this new Country (no back's Wood Country by the by) - but [[underlined]] Greenwood's Land [[/underlined]] in fact!  I thanked her direct for her morning present - & told her to sit down.  I had no civilization seat to give her, so I pointed to one of the best for the country - one of God's chairs - with wh. He made the mountains & on wh. the foundations of the Great Globe itself rests.  Soon our 2 cups of Tea, tin cups (quart dishes some would call them) were in readiness with hard bread & molasses miscellaneous intermixed.  Twer-oong poured forth abundant Koor-en-e-miks (thanks) said that the tea, lass-as-ses & se-vien (bread) tasted good - very good!  A few minutes after the 

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1861 Sept 4 Wedns
15th Enc.  4th D  27th Day Out

commencement of this long to be remembered breakfast, at least so on my part, she showed me her hands & fingers wh. were covered with perspiration.  Saying O-ko (hot, warm &c) - pr-e-e-uke! throwing her hands up & down & around her body, indicating that the hot tea made her feel warm & well.  It done my heart good that I could thus make some return to this noble woman who has greatly softened my pillow of sickness while here, by her many kindnesses & deep sympathy.  O. Woman! it is Thee that can rob pain of its sting, planting refreshing flowers in its place!  Thy mission is a glorious one.  Even among those geographically & historically classed as "savages, uncivilized", Thou art to be found among them!
No land, however distant - however repulsive - limits thy noble deeds!  Thy words are few, but musical - thy good deeds are silently done, but they are unnumbered because they are [[underlined]] immeasurable [[/underlined]] - they are as though 'God-sent', & therefore immeasurable in their virtues & blessings.