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1861 Sept 6th Fri
16th Enc 30 D. out
sweeping, rushing tide, & rocks almost within our hand's touch!
It was enough to make one [[underlined]] know [[/underlined]] how feeble a creature man is at such a time. Each Innuit felt [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] terribly alarmed at the sight ahead & under us. These rocks spoke loudly to us of the ^[[real]] speed we were going! One may be moving swiftly along on smooth waters & not appreciate it, if ^[[all]] [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] Earth-fixed objects be far off. Here, within our reach were not only truth-tatlers, but Boat & Ship destroyers - [[underlined]] Man-Killers [[/underlined]] - if great precaution be not exercised in shunning them.
But my [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] alarm I kept wisely within. I cast a look upward - I knew God would not withhold his aid from those who [[strikethrough]] need it [[/strikethrough]] rightly asked it - were willing to [[underlined]] work [[/underlined]] as well as petition.
Seeing a current that seemed less in its velocity than one we were in, I wheeled the boat instantly toward it & ^[[cried]] [[strikethrough]] cried [[/strikethrough]] to crew [[double underlined]] A-Choot! A-Choot!! [[/double underlined]] By the time we got to it we had been swept down some distance. I then 
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1861 Sep 6th Fri
16th Enc. 30 D out
headed boat directly the ^[[reverse]] course we had been making - for ahead of us we espied shoals extending across from Island to Island. The tide falling rapidly & we 4 struggling to save ourselves.
While I managed steering oar, I [[strikethrough]] 12 [[/strikethrough]] also [[strikethrough]] assist [[/striekthrough]] assisted Tunukderlien in the use of hers; but [[underlined]] all we could do [[/underlined]] ( [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] I looked ^[[every few moments]] over the Boat [[strikethrough]] ^[[S[[?]] ]] down to the rocks ^[[& found it so]]) [[underlined]] was to hold our own. [[/underlined]] What was ^[[now]] to be done? We could not return - [[underlined]] that was out of all reason. [[/underlined]] We tried - & [[underlined]] tried hard [[/underlined]] - but made no progress.  Human steam quickly goes out. The tide [[in blue]] ^[[tide]] [[/in blue]] in a few minutes would show the heads of thousands of Boat smashers - [[underlined]] rocks. [[/underlined]] The Island seemed the [[strikethrough]] o[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] only Earth friend near us. If we could reach that ^[[by]] cool, quick management & hard work all would be well. But could ^[[we]] do it?  Hugging the rock Island was the swiftest part of the whole rushing tide, presenting the same character in appearance ^[[& noise]] of a flood of waters pushing over^[[rough]] rocks! I knew we could ^[[& [[underlined]] must]] try, [[/underlined]] & if [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] 

Transcription Notes:
Edited to denote inserts and strikethroughs