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1861 Sep 6 Fri
16 Enc. 30 D out
one hour after, for miles around the Bays bottom one mass of boulders & shingle - the boulders seem arranged in furrows, the swift incoming & outgoing of tide leaving them or thus arranging them in line with its course.
No ship can even approach the head of this Bay on this side with safety.
Islands quite distant [[strikethrough]] canow [[/strikethrough]] can now be made to, dry-shod.
Even boats cannot ^[[be]] navigated saftedly[[guess]] about here unless [[strikethrough]] a careful [[/strikethrough]] great care be exercised to proceed a certain distance at [[underlined]] just such a time of the tide. [[/underlined]]
The 3 [[strikethrough]] of [[?]] shall [[/strikethrough]] (my crew now) are busily ^[[spreading out for]] drying Took-too skins on the rocks of the Island.
I walk up now & then spending part of my time there & partly in the Boat.
Here we are, not exactly cast-aways, but on what was ^[[a few minutes ago]] an Island. It now has the appearance of the Main as no water ^[[now]] divides bet. it & the Main.
Had we been dashed against the Island & lost boat, we could now escape to
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[[start page]]
1861 Sept 6 Fri
16 Enc. 30 D out
the land - thence make our way to Miner & party & thus retreat Homeward all in one Boat. But Providentially, we are just as well off as could be prayed for & the petition duly answered.
I here Note the appearance of tide - the sound of it ^[[I]] mean as we were coming from the place Koo-jes-se & Kood-loo left us. Several times I h^[[e]]ard a roar as of a great Water fall, or a raging Sea beating on rocky coasts. I asked Susy ([[in blue]] Koo-ou-le-^[[arny]] [[/in blue]]) several times what it was? She said: 'tar-ri-o', meaning the sea. Now I knew ^[[there]] [[strikethrough]] when [[/strikethrough]] had ^[[been]] no severe wind storm ^[[experienced by us]] of late that could leave a sea anywhere about the Headwater of F. Bay in such a rage. So I said: Tarrio na-me-Koong ^[[(Not the Sea - tis the river, meaning Sylvia Grinnel's)]]. She appealed to the other 2 of her friends & Sex who both agreed with her that it was Tarrio.
I believe ^[[it]] [[underlined]] now, [[/underlined]] but could not at the time. I have ^[[since - but an hour ago -]] heard tarrio that hath seemed to have left me deaf. The Innuits 

Transcription Notes:
Edited to denote inserts, add strikethroughs, blue entries