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1861 Sept 8th [[symbol: Cross]]
16th Enc.
[[symbol: Cross]] Sept. 8th 1861
AM S.E. Light Thick Fog = {Ice 3/8 
{ in thick 
{ Last nt.
M N.W. " [[ditto for: Light]] Snowing!
PM N.W. Fresh " [[ditto for: Snowing]]
Thank God, I am getting better!
My sleep is more refreshing - & the rest ^[[or quieting[[guess]] ]] of yesterday that I allowed my poor frame done me inestimable good. I now feel to take all advantages ^[[in my power]] of charting the Kin-gaite Coast down to the point where we cross to Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a No1. If the abscess on my shoulder were only well I should be quite well off - but I must bide my time. This affliction affair requires much nursing. I dress it daily, cleansing it with [[strikethrough]] warm [[/strikethrough]] tepid water & soap - then I apply tood-noo plaster, the only article proper within reach wh. keeps my clothing from irritating it ^[[very]] much. How many difficulties I have in my pathway in my present Voyage of Discovery! But what of all these? They but stimulate me in the performance of this Work ^[[in wh. I am engaged &]] which I think ought to the credit of the Civilized & Enlightened World [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] to have been [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] performed Centuries
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1861 Sept 8 [[symbol: Cross]]
31st Day out
ago. At [[strikethrough]] last [[/strikethrough]] least, soon after Frobisher's termination of his Voyage North.
O, the pleasure that it gives me that I now have done something in way of Work during the time I have been absent from the States! Disappointed - [[underlined]] overwhelmed [[/underlined]] with disappointment that I was obliged to delay the continuation of my primary Voyage to "King Williams Land", yet I have endeavoured to do [[underlined]] something [[/underlined]] with wh. to satisfy my fiends & co-operators.  What Will Henry Grinnell's reception be?  Will he respond affirmatively to my course?  Will he - Can he take me by the hand & say: 'You have done a good Work'?  If so, I am repaid - I am crowned with a diadem wh. I would not exchange for a Kingdom. Tho' I select Henry Grinnell as the one so estimable in mind, yet I do not ^[[forget]] or underate the overwhelming kindnesses