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1861 Sep 9 Mon
16th Enc. 4th Day 32d D. out.

I intend to institute a thorough search there for brick & iron - as well as gather up a cask of the Coals of the near 3 Centuries ago!  I wish to have my friend Grinnell send to the British Admiralty quite a generous present of the Coals I have discovered, that were left on the "Countess of Warwick's Island" so many years ago.  Then, again, I wish some of these Coals, so venerable & of so great historical interest, being relics of an Expedition made about 300 years since, for presents to my friends who I desire shall keep them as "heir-looms".
In my short walk of this morning over the snows that now cover the lands all around, found flowers peering up their golden azure purple & crimson faces as if bidding me: 'Good Morning Sir, our bed is quite a cold one - have you not a more genial place for us in America?'  My response was in the deed of plucking up the modest specimens - making them into a Boquette - taking them to my tupik & placing 

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1861 Sep 9 Mon
16th Enc. 4th Day 32d D. out

them snugly where they will be preserved to carry to a warmer clime - to America.  
My first act however after getting up this Morning was to make a fire - & [[underlined]] keep it up [[/underlined]] till by its gently giving out of its carbine I could boil my Coffee & Cook (fry) several slices of Venison steaks.  (My cooking I like better than Innuits).  The making fire & keeping it up by the use of material of the Country is one that requires patience & practice - great deal of [[underlined]] "blowing" [[/underlined]] is indispensible in this matter!  If you cannot so manage as to get the Wind to do it.  Why, one [[underlined]] must do his or her own "blowing". [[/underlined]]  The dwarf-shrubs used give out a great deal of heat, that is, in burning a [[underlined]] huge pile of it [[/underlined]] - & also envelope one, especially the sight organs, in tremendous banks of smoke!  All tears that are shed by those using this fuel are not for the loss of friends - the greater portion are in the struggle for Cooked food!  Life & tears, like positive & negative