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1861 Sept 9 Mon
16th Enc. 4th Day 32d D. out

electricity, go hand in hand - union like - at least so in my experience in [[underlined]] Cooking [[/underlined]] in this Northern Country with the fuel which Nature hath provided here.
The little snow birds are numerous about - they are either going to eat the snow all up, or depart.  Many seem to be taking the latter course, winging their way Southwards.  
I rejoice to find my health is being restored.  Days of rest are giving me what I now most desire - health.
The weather is getting decidedly cold.
The celebrated Boerhaave used to say, That nobody [[underlined]] suffered by Cold, [[/underlined]] same fools & beggars;  the latter not being able to procure clothes, & the former not having sense to wear them.
Though much good sense in his remarks, yet I [[strikethrough]] must beg to [[/strikethrough]] differ with him.  Clothing alone will not keep one warm.  In [[underlined]] Good health, [[/underlined]] & with robust constitution [[underlined]] the proper kind of food & Clothing Will. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Food makes the heat [[/underlined]] within the human-stove, & [[underlined]] judiciously [[/underlined]]

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1861 Sept 9 Mon
16th Enc. 4th Day 32 d out

[[underlined]] adopted clothing [[/underlined]] keeps [[underlined]] it [[/underlined]] (the heat) from being lost.  Keeps the cold at bay - the [[underlined]] heat [[/underlined]] in.
An observation at Meridian with a very much clouded Sun with small sextant gives altitude of [[symbol: circumpunct]] 62°-35' 
[[note]] Lat 63°-37'-57" See p143 Obsn Bk [[/note]]

The snow is fast disappearing - good!  The wind still (XII-30 PM) blows fresh from N.W.  A capital wind to put us along down the Bay if all were here & in readiness to start.
At V P.M. & regular & a severe snow squall! - from N.W.
Just at night took a moderate walk up the high hill [[strikethrough]] flanking [[/strikethrough]] in the rear of tupiks.  Tide was out & bottom of Harbor all bare - but beyond the Islands stretching away up past [[underlined]] the Cape [[/underlined]] - the other side - where I took Lat day of leaving 12th Enc. I could see