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1861 Sept 12th Ths.
17th Enc. 35 D out
13 Pages in this Day's Record

From 16th Enc.
Couse made this day 161°
Figures in [[symbol: circumpunct]] represent the number of seconds but progressed 33 feet.

From 16th Enc.
Start - h3-m30
3-47 (9)
IV-00 (6)
15 (5)
30 (7)
IV-45 (8) Stop Island for Obs.
V-25 start
VI-00 (9)
15 (7)
30 (5)
45 (7)
VII-00 (7)
15 (8)
30 (8)
45 (8)
VIII-00 (7)
15 (5)
30 (5)
45 (8)
IX-00 (7)
IX-15 (8) Stop 17th Enc.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

36th Day out
17th Enc. 2d day

Friday, Sept. 13th 1861

A.M.  W.  Strong wind - Cloudy
M.    W.  [[underlined]] Strong Gale [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for: Cloudy]]
P.M.  W.  Modt Gale ceased h4-m30 P.M.

We designed resuming our Course down the Bay this Morning, determining however before doing so that if possible, I would 1st visit the Mountains of Kin-gaite & "see what I could see" - taking a round of "sights".  But the wind increased before tide was up, till finally it became a gale, & this has prevented our venturing from the Island.
Now h1-m30 P.M. & Bay as far as that we can see, covered with "White Caps".  The waves against the Island are now dashing with Terrific force, sending up their spray over the Point close by Tupiks 50 feet high!
We are now Gale-bound to a low rock Island as uninteresting a one as one can well be.
The Boat is moored around on the lee side where it