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1861 Oct 5th Sat.

make landing at the Ex of said Bay - drag the boat above high water & make our way across the land to West side this Bay & there make a signal by gathering shrubbery & setting it afire, the smoke being the signal for Capt. B. to send off his boats for us.  This being the arrangement shall have to leave good old Ar-tark-pa-ru as he is crippled in both legs so that only by 2 canes & under great difficulty can he make his way across an even floor.  
The appearance is unfavorable of a good day to-morrow.  Thus God sees best to deal with His hopeful creatures, measuring out to them lessons wh. lest serve to teach them submission, humility - that His Ways are not Man's.
Talking with noo-loo-an-a (wife) of Ar-na-wa, who was aboard to-day about her wing-a (husband) accompanying me to Oo-pung-ne-wing telling him that I would give him plenty Caps, powder, shot & tobacco if he would, she replied:  that he (A.) would go.  He will make a capital assistant.

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On Board "George Henry"
+ Oct. 6 1861

AM  32°  S.W.  Strong - Cloudy - thick
M  27°  N.W.  Light - thick & slight snow
PM  20  N.W.  Fresh, Fine

Well, here I am still - the wind & weather contrary to all my hopes.  Now V AM, the hour that we should be on our way - but cannot go for reasons above.  Capt. B. has just been up to see the prospects - decides it impracticable to start - adding:  'It is a terrible rough road (the route from Budingtonville to Oo-pung-ne-wing) for one to travel at this season of the year!
[[underlined]] I do not yet give it up [[/underlined]] - shall await another day (unless weather should change to favorable this AM) & see the prospects.
I have made all preparations for starting - Capt. B. (unsolicited) has had steward brown Coffee & grind it, putting it up in Can - has had him fill my molasses Can &c &c bringing the same into Cap. B. & my Aft Cabin - in fact, has had every thing done