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1861 Oct 15 Tues.

this "heavy stone".  'Innuits did not make it - nor do such things grow here'.  Kod-lu-narrs brought it here - the same as brought Coal, brick & the other "heavy stone".  The models I have were made with common jack knives - such made down in the Main Cabin under my own eye.  I have used all precaution that neither Innuit should see, or know of any one's making any other.  Each model therefore has been made, one entirely independent of the others - & yet, [[underlined]] they correspond well. [[/underlined]]
"Susy" (Koo-ou-le-ung) who saw this relic (of Oo-pung-ne-wing) when quite young, has made (chewed!) me a model of this relic out of Tood-noo (Rein-deer feet).  She has made it in accordance to her best recollection.  Some features of this model agree with those of U-garny, Ar-tark-pa-ru & Ar-na-wa.  Yet it is indifferently modelled compared with those of the 3 named.  Taking into consideration the many years since she saw it, we may wonder that she has approached the general appearance as represented by the other 3 so well as she has.
The abscess under my arm matured, & divulged last night.  Good!  To-day the GH's company completed the job of stowing down the oil of the 2 whales secured last week.  To-morrow they are to go out & see if they can make fast

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(8 pages in this day's record)
1861 Oct 15 Tues

to another.  (Capt. B. wishes to secure one or two more, if possible, before he starts.)  Indeed he wants 6 or 8 more, yet, will, under the circumstances, be highly gratified to be able to stow away the oil of only 2 more!
The gale has completely dispersed the ice from around the vessel, thus freeing her from all entanglements.  Unless severe cold weather should at once follow, Capt B. may continue here till - or even after the 20th.
Weather permitting, I must go ashore to-morrow & get some of the oldest Innuits to go with me to the Tupik of my friends, Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too, having the latter act as Interpreter;  & continue my enquiries relative to the history of Frobisher Expedition here in 1578.  Soon all intercourse with this people will be at an end, as our departure is drawing very near.  Yet, I hope ere long to return to the N. to carry out the grand purpose for wh. I left the States.