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1861 Oct 26 Sat

a small quantity stone coal aboard, but her decks & rib timber of excellent stuff for fuel.  I was the last one who visited that wreck eve it drifted out of Bay into Davis Straits.  On that visit I obtained several buckets of coal wh. answered for cooking many a soup while making my stay on Whale Island with Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too.
IX-00 AM Wind around N.E. bringing snow storm.  Ther. 8°
this morning Ship's Company engaged hoisting in jaw-bone of the Whale last obtained.  The object, [[underlined]] fuel! [[/underlined]]  While drawing this up, the tongue, greatest part of it in view (a portion has been taken by the Innuits) I said to Capt. B.:  the Blubber of that (the tongue) will answer for fuel too if we need it - a radiator can be easily made of sheet iron to suspend over a long flame & thus a sufficient heat can be diffused through the cabin to make it comfortable.  I boiled a piece of Whale skin this morning - & eat it.  On boiling 15 minutes it was tender - after that it seemed to grow tough & hard.  Just enough cooking makes it good eating - too much, give it Bull Beef texture!
The Rabbit-pie for dinner to-day excellent.

Compared Chro's
Rescue's = hVI-m12-s00
G.H.'s = V-54-06.5 (13/2
R's fast on GH  m17-s53.5 [[checkmark]]

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[[start page]]

+ [[Sunday]] Oct. 27th 1861

AM  14°  N.W. - Light - Cloudy (Snow through the night)
M  14°  N W  " [[ditto for: Light]] Fair
PM  11  N W  " [[ditto for: Light]] [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]

The Innuits to-day have been off sealing & hunting.  Sharkey presented Capt. B. to-night Ducks.  Miner exchanged 5 Ducks for a seal knife.  Other Innuits gave 4 Partridges so that we have enough game for a Capital dinner all around to-morrow.  Ducks shot from Ki-a in the small water opening below.

Meridional Ob. Ther. 14°

Artificial Horizon   27°-55'30"
                        - 2-00 [[??]]
  [[strikethrough]]       16-17 [[/strikethrough]]
[[symbol: Moon]]'s SD & P +16-17
       Refraction        - 3-40
             Lat. N.   62°-54'-03"

on. 34°-00"
off -30-00
-2-00" Index Error

The Sun had began I fear to descend before I was in readiness.  Will repeat the ob. next Fair day.

D.C. S. 12°-52-56.9"
       12-56- 35.5 [[line drawn connecting this value to earlier calculation above]]

Dec per h
 4 1/3

[[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]]  Nov 4th/61