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Distance made direct from the vessel 1.9 miles (one & 9.10 mile) I took bearings of various points & marked the coast on the N.E. side of the Island & have reduced them to a sketch. I do not record the observations here, but keep them in memorandum book. [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] ^[[As indicated I have]] worked them up into sketch form.
When near the termination of my walk saw the hunters returning. Several of the G.H.'s men started out by light this morning [[strikethrough]] b[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] on a hunt but returned unsuccessful. General trend of the Island near the vessel that I coasted to-day N.W. & S.E. Its extent (length) will yet determine ([[sun symbol]] V.)
Friday Nov 22d 1861
29.525 A.M. 6° N.W. 2 c
29.5 M. 10° N.W. 1 o.u.
29.5 P.M. 11° N.W. 1 s.o. (1/1) the snow only continued few Minutes
To-day for a short time engaged taking angles in the harbor to complete chart of it.
Breakfast ^[[lunch]] sea-bread coffee & fried Whale Beef.
Dinner = Griddle-Cakes [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] with Molasses & Coffee.
Supper-lunch Bread & Coffee - & Black-Skin
Preparations are going on for our departure with the natives to Oo-pung-ne-wing. Most of the officers & men of G Henry have made arrangements with natives to live with them this Winter.
When I use the term lunch, I simply mean that we take breakfast & supper lunch fashion. We have 3 meals per day - one full meal Dinner - the other 2 lunch meals - without any table set.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Saturday Nov 23d 1861
29.65 AM -2° (Ther. minus 2°) 0 [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] except a small belt of ^[[light clouds SE near ^[[horizon.]] ]] After sunrise Ther. 4°
29.65 M -2° N.W. 3 [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
29.65 P.M. -2° N.W. 1 [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] Aurora (1/1)
This Morning measured distances Jupiter [[symbol: Jupiter]] N.[[?]] & Moon [[symbol: Moon]] [[strikethrough]] [[?.]] [[?.]] [[/strikethrough]]
Astronomical time by Chro. (Distances [[moon symbol]] & [[Jupiter symbol]] )
d. h m s
By Chro., At Greenwich (A.T.) 23-0-14-00 46° - 24' - 00"
(Ther. - 2° 19-10 21-30
Compared Chros. 24-20 10-45
[[vertical between first two columns of preceding entries]]
{ Altitudes of [[Jupiter symbol]] & [[moon symbol]] to }
be calculated }
[[/vertical between first two columns of preceding entries]]
[[left margin]] Vide Nov 20th & 27 [[/left margin]]
h m s
R's -0-43-10 28-15 17-45
G.H.'s 0-24-00 32-50 15-45
[[line]] [[line]] [[line]]
R's fast on G.H. 19-10 5) 118-35 5) 98-45
[[line]] [[line]]
h m s
[[line]] 0-23-43 46° - 19' - 45"
O.E. -1-15
[[Note: dotted line encircling I.E. above connecting to same entry on left]]
Indes error 2) -2-30
[[line]] 46° - 18' -30"
Used Artel[[guess]] Telescope
Tuk-oo-li-too aboard to-day her infant in Nei-s^[[h]]uk. She brought me 2 ^[[pairs]] excellent [[strikethrough]] pairs of [[/strikethrough]] Tuk-too stockings that she has just completed. They are a complete fit.
For breakfast Coffee Sea bread & Fried Whale.  Dinner Pemican with Borden's Meat biscuit.
Much cooking is going on of Walrus, Seal &c but not often am I any better for it tho' all there are invited to participate.  The men think very much (I suppose this from their excellent appetites whenever Pemican days come, to wit twice a week) of what I have donated to keep them from starving this Winter but have no thought of making any kindly acknowledgement ^[[to me]] of what I have done. Of course Capt. B. is not referred to in this statement as he appreciates my act & makes every acknowledgement that a noble heart could.
When Tuk-oo-li-too was aboard [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/striekthrough]] ^[[I & those]] (of the ship's Co) had dinner.

Transcription Notes:
Edited to complete transcription, denote inserts and strikethroughs]]